Writing Challenge : 365 days of writing


My mind has a propensity to wander. Which is a good thing. Or so I think at least:)
I find this useful when it comes to my writing. When I am on Steemit, I always look up and try to find out as many writing challenges/contest that I can enter. They help me improve my writing and my favorite one being the #freewrite challenge by @mariannewest. The idea for 365 days of writing challenge came to me while I was scouring the Unsplash website.

What is 365 days of writing?

365 days of writing is a writing challenge that I plan to conduct for over the period of next 365 days, where I would be posting a photo prompt for the day and basis the prompt for the day, you are to make a post.

What are the rules?

There are no rules here except having to make your post basis the prompt for the day. This is meant to challenge your writing skills and creative thought process. There are no word limits. You can make it how ever long you want it to be or not. But please do use the tag #365daysofwriting as I would like to read every single post made for this.

I plan to start my day on Steemit by reading post's made by other for this challenge before moving onto anything(Even before claiming rewards into my wallet).

I sure hope to see a lot of you jump on-board and take up this challenge along with me.

I am so excited about this!!

Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

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