Ulog #4 - 7 Day Positivity Challenge - Day 4 - Today Today, Empire Records and My Window

7 Day Positivity Challenge - Day 4

Today Today, Empire Records and My Window

What do all these have in common? Something and nothing but that is how today has turned out. Read on or don't I feel better and that was the main reason for putting fingers to keyboard today but if you do read on, please take my genuine thanks for being part of my day.


This is just outside my bedroom window this morning, it's a miserable overcast day and has been a mixture of this, sunshine and downpours since returning home from Thailand. I'm not complaining, our state really does need the rain as our dams are below 50% and that's up 12% on this time last year.

#windowwednesday - What's outside your window today? A CONTEST by @yogajill a fellow @asapers member and curator.

Feel free to join in, there are only 4 days left to enter. Just take a snap out your window, let her know what it is you see and leave the link to the post on her original CONTEST post.

Some not so interesting facts about our current state of dam affairs.

That aside, there is something up with today, maybe it's this weekends lunar eclipse or blood moon, or maybe I am just PMSing but I am unusually touchy and things I generally just let go were annoying me more than normal. So after a quick tidy up and waving goodbye to my hubby and son as they left to spend some quality time with his mother. I decided to use the quiet time productively and write this post with the aim that by the end of it, I will be back to my happy positive self.

What's with today, today? Empire Records, 1995

Empire Records is by far one of my favourite movies, and I can't tell you how many times I have watched it. It may be the era I was born into but it made me laugh, cry and go WTF. You know the scene I am talking about, the one Mark gets swallowed whole while hallucinating he was at a GWAR concert after eating pot brownies.

OK'ed by the directors after smoking weed scenes were removed, another WTF moment for me, especially all the other drug use in this film.

And let's not forget "Warren" by far one of my favourite characters, a troubled teen that just wants to be part of the action, stealing and bringing a loaded gun into the store to get a job.

Side Note: Did you know that "REX MANNING" Day is a real thing celebrated on April 8th each year.

Also, something I learned today, that is the same day that Kurt Cobain's body was found Not the day he died and Rex Manning day is a tribute to him. While the movie was an initial flop at the theatres it went on to be a cult classic still watched to this day, I just saw it added to Netflix, so that's another DVD I can give away.

While the movie is awesome by my standards, the soundtrack is even better and the rendition of "Sugar High" in the movie still gives me goosebumps as I scream along to it, the producers decided it was too loud for the soundtrack and an alternative mix was used.

Final scene and "Sugar High" as per the movie.

Back to today's window

I am feeling a lot more me after delving back into Empire Records, but today, today is about outside my window. Both life and death have occurred recently, some continue to grow, others have moved onto greener pastures and some have blinked from existence or moved onto mulch.

Earlier this year I had to remove the two ficusses's I planted in my yard, it was a sad day for me and the garden beds they were in are still in need of some love to rebuild, while on the darker side of things, the day we arrived home from Thailand with our adopted son the lady across the road lost her battle with cancer to quick. A sad loss for the community and her family.

We still see her son and friends at the house opening the gate in the morning and closing it again at night, we did this for her a few times while she was in the hospital getting treatment, she needed to know that the water and power readers had access to read the meters. Funny the little things people worry about when there are much more important life-changing things going on in their worlds.

Suffering from a chronic illness myself I think we do it to have some control. Control of the little things that have yet to be taken from us, I was so lucky to survive my challenges but I know many that still move through theirs.

On a much more positive note, I also see life, both new and old, there is a bird on the lamppost that often along with its friends sings to me and our yuccas have finally sprouted new buds that are loving the rain. It took a good three months post cutting the tops off and at first, I thought I had killed them. Also the ficusses are all out with no damage to our or the neighbours water pipes and the best bit is our son is here to stay, to learn and to grow with us daily.

Other "Window" Views

This is my backyard, the view that can be seen out our back glass sliding door. I love the old barn out the back of our neighbours and the huge trees that hold many birds that sing so loud some days that I forget I live in the suburbs and it brings me back to the country and my parents farm. This garden bed needs some love but for now, its home to my potted plants some I am sure would have taken ground through their pots already.

back yard.jpg

Like the backyard, the front also needs some love, we only just filled in the hole from the ficus debacle earlier this year, they did move onto mulch, unlike the yucca tops which went in the bin to make room for a whole heap of new growth. The ones down the bottom we could cut off and replant or continue to grow as a shield for the windows as they are spikey making them a good intruder repellent.

front window.jpg

Yes I know I need to do some more weeding and lucky for me my little one loves being outside and helping but it's a rotating task as we finish one area another area is regrowing and so it continues until the heat comes back and dries up all the rain. Until then I will take @simplymike's wise words and hope for the best.

They are just plants of which virtues haven't been discovered yet, and our growing at places and times we don't appreciate. There's way more to weeds than just being annoying, lol

Some cuteness to finish us off

I wrote about his gumboots the other day and how we were waiting on his raincoat, it's now arrived and he loves it. So now he can go walking with mum and dad in the rain. But first, we had to test it out in the front yard.


A work colleague also told me about a thing called a puddle/splash suit, has anyone ever used one before? If so, are they as waterproof as some claim?

As always thanks for stopping by and have a great day, week or month, until I see you next time!

P.S. I will get back to answering my #whatisit contest, I just needed some time for me so please accept my apologies and note I will get back to you tomorrow. Keep guessing until then. :D

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The challenge...

Three times a charm

So I had been nominated by three individuals, @viking-ventures, @happycrazycon & @holisticmom, then encouraged by @danielsaori to join so here I am. See below for what the challenge entails.

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today. This could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit

Just keep it positive

  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated Note that I will not be doing this continuously but I will get 7 days out.

  • Mention three people who should do this on each day. Feel free to complete this challenge or not, it is up to you. It has taken me over a month to get day one out and it may take me another month to get the seven days out.

Given this has been out for a few months some of the people I mention may have already been nominated by another, so feel free to do it a second time or abstain from this round. I nominate @creepyturtle , @simplymike and @lilyraabe Officially nominated now :D

  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post.
    Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.

  • Include a picture of something positive Related to your story if possible.

@surpassinggoogle, I have had a few people ask me more about #ulogs and what they exactly are, while I have a brief understanding, maybe you can comment with some more information for any of my followers to get on board to be "True Celebrities" and part of the uloggers phenomenon.

May also help me get my understanding clearer. Like should we be using https://ulogs.org/?

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Want some inspiration or a maybe a laugh, I'm pretty funny I have been told. CHECK out these posts, all brought to you by @insideoutlet!

ULOG #3 - 7 Day Positivity Challenge - Day 3 - New Boots
Lasagna|Mass Production|Recipe with images - an adapted version from when I was 9
Babymoon - PART IIII - Singapore: The Conservatories [Flower Dome & Cloud Forrest]
#15 What is it? First to guess right wins!

My hubby @shai-hulud is also a great steemian worth a follow, check out some of his below:

Photography with a toddler.
It's not as easy as blokes think.

Steemit Week 1: Who Are You
Don't get hooked by a Phishing scam. Actual steps you can take to protect yourself.
Steemit Day One #2: Why lock an Empty House
Welcome to Steemit. Day one: Get ready for the learning curve.

Shai & I.jpg

What to know more about @shai-hulud and I Check out these posts:

Butt naked with 2500 other cruise line passengers! Featured in @qurator & @asapers
Love isn’t always shit free. Featured in @thesteemengine and #themagnificentseven
How I got flipped Inside Out... For REAL! Featured in @thesteemengine
Our Adoption Adventure Written by @shai-hulud, my amazeballs hubby

Did YOU know that your upvote needs time to recharge? If not check out this post below, if you like it please consider upvoting a more recent post as this one has now paid out.

Steem & Voting Power, how not to waste it!

If you like any posts above and they are past seven days please consider upvoting a more recent post as these while very useful have already paid out.

Where else can you find me?

While most of my time is spent on Steemit, I do exist outside of it, happy to connect if you do too!

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Facebook - InsideOut Ostomy Life
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Twitter - InsideOut Ostomy


One last thing! I am a founder of the @asapers and we have a profit-sharing curation post called Read me A.S.A.P. We curate from our followers so make sure you follow the @asapers if you want to be in with a chance to be curated next.


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Team Australia Banner @bearone, @asapers by @shai-hulud, @steemitbloggers by @zord189
All images my own or directly sourced at the image with the exception of my #whatisit contest as that would give it away.
Rerence Used 14 Surprising Facts About Empire Records

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