7daypositivitychallenge - Thankurday!

Today is my day 3 in #7daypositivitychallenge that the amazing @hazem91 tagged me in!
And today I was thinking of making it more of a thankurday as I have lots to be thankful for!🙏

My family 🌸

🔹I'm Thankful for my parents who always been there for me, supporting and teaching me the value of reaching out to those less fortunate.
Always with a smile on their faces even if life Been hard sometimes. They are my true Heroes!


I'm also thankful for my brother and sister they are a amazing, and my sister raising 5 boys and still manage to work and all else. Superwoman!

My brother just became a dad and I'm now aunt to 6 boys total 😉 how Awsome is that?
His name is Agaton and are such a cutie!

A big thankful heart

After being afraid of singing in front of people all my life, and I've tried everything but nothing ever helped.
Then this baby came and he broke the curse and I totally could sing for him so he fell asleep 😊
Only took 40 years to figure it out 😁 lol
Thank you for that Agaton


My Bobby 🐶

🔹I'm Thankful for having Bobby in my life, the best companion who almost share my interests and brings lots of joy and laughter!

Also has a lot of weard ideas that just cracks me up... Like here he looks at me all like Mommy help I can't reach my food in the bowl


And why not? Cause he always takes his toys with him everywhere and even to the bowl..even IN the bowl sometimes... So weard!

Also his choice of toys, only ones that are squeeky and he keeps making noice all day long and I can't belive he doesn't get tired of it... Lol
I know I do 🙉 ohhhh... Please STOP!


His love for jackets and suits are hilarious to.. He picks them up himself and comes to me all 🐶 Woff... Mommy put it on 😂 lol
He looks really cute in them and I dunno why he loves them so much


A true friend and even tho his afraid of most things... Lol he's still my beloved Bobby!


Mother Nature

🔹I'm Thankful for my beautiful garden that are my favorite place, and all the amazing flowers and trees that mother nature just overwhelms us with.

Japanese cherry tree


Also Sooo Thankful for the beautiful sunsets that nature brings to us 😍 my favorite thing!

beautiful wiew

Thankful for my nap trees in my garden 😊 really amazing to sleep outside and be one with nature!



My working place

🔹 I'm thankful for having a job that I love and be able to spend time with kids everyday.
Share their minds and thoughts, creativity and brutal honesty... Lol
To be able to be a part of their journey and give them the best start in life!

this is colored rice they are playing with and pooring into the buckets and out.. Fun

🔹I'm thankful for that Noone got hurt when the roof flew of our pavilion while we still where in it


This picture was taken when the first part cracked and flew off, Next was the roof!



This one is really hard to really put in words but:

🔹I'm Thankful for each and every one of you in my family.
You guys makes the alliance what it is, so many amazing people and talents in one place.
Im honored to share family with you ❤️🤗❤️
Also @enginewitty YOU know how amazing you are and I'm forever grateful that you took me in.
Although it does mean you won't be able to get rid of me 😜 😂😂😂hahaha
I admire you for so many reasons and thank you for always caring so much. Big Hug 🤗



🔹I'm thankful for all the new people I've met since I joined steemit, and all the amazing posts I've had the pleasure to read. Best thing ever!

I'm grateful for hilarious apps that just cracks me up... This one is a favorite

Just had to cause this one made me laugh... Lol
The three musketeers @enginewitty @c0ff33a and @hazem91.... Lol 😁



What are the rules of this challenge?

  1. Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)

  2. Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated

  3. Mention three people who should do this on each day.

  4. Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
    (Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.)

  5. Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible)


I nominate 3 people and here they are:

🌸 @katrina-ariel

🌸 @bmj

🌸 @armshippie

Hope you want to share your favorite positive things.. Lol


OK now I'm off to Summer party at work with the kids and their parents 😉
Se you all later my Amazing friends!
Much Love ❤️💋🤗🤗🤗💋❤️



Vote for the amazing @enginewitty
EW 3.gif
Amazing gif by @snook

Vote for the sweet @c0ff33a
Great gif by @snook

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