How would it be to have a magic want you could use to make all your dreams come true? What would you use it for? More money? More love? More time?
In a way, having a dream or a goal is what motivates us and helps us get through life.
Our heart is the one who dictates our wishes and it encourages us to go after our passion, but that’s all it can do.

To achieve a goal, we have to align our heart, body, mind and soul. If you want your dreams to come true, these steps you should follow.
Define your dream
Take some time to understand exactly what it is that you want. Do you really want more money, or just the safety that comes with it? Do you want to find your soulmate, or before that you have to “find” yourself first?
There is no right or wrong answer. The purpose of these questions is to help you understand what’s your next goal. When you’re ready, write it down in a clear phrase.
Work on your steps
Now that you’ve defined your dream, you have to elaborate the methods you’ll use to achieve it. Keep in mind that you should make a short list in which you’ll write only what’s really important for achieving your goal.
For example, if you want to be a writer, your list should sound like “write the book, print it, sell the copies”.
Have faith in yourself
When you’re reading your list, what are you feeling? Do you feel scared, insecure? If that’s what you’re feeling, allow fear to exist, don’t ignore it.
But after you acknowledge it, try to replace the sentiment of fear with faith in yourself. Believing in yourself is one of the most important steps towards your dream.
Start working
You have the list of the steps, you have faith, now it’s time to start working. You don’t have to start with the first step, you could start with that seems more easy. Take small steps everyday, go on no matter what and listen to what your heart has to say.
Use the magic wand
You already have the power in your hands. You just have to learn how to use it. Sometimes you might fall, but there will be moments when you’ll feel like you’re flying!
These moments are all a part of the learning process. Some dreams take more time than others, but don’t give up! You have to keep going and to adapt to any change you may encounter on the road to your goals.
As long as your dream still inspires you, continue, because you can do a lot more than you think.