The Diary Game stories about activities where I work,


come back with me at this mall, and I want to share some more pictures of the atmosphere at the stage of the talut building project on the side of the road but this location makes it difficult for us to work because the location is on a hill, especially today the atmosphere is not favorable because of the rain which makes us stop several hours waiting for the rain to stop.



The first picture I will explain about the atmosphere and environment at the location where we are working, because this is a location in another place, and the work is still the same, but this is different from the previous one, because now we are making gutters but this has to have a concrete foundation with using iron chains on the foundation, because this location is on a hill and the land on the hill often collapses onto the road, so there must be a pair of taluts surrounding the road, so that it looks beautiful and is useful for the people in this area.



picture of the foundation of the talut pair building which still takes a few more days before we can install the stones on the foundation, and this is still the initial stage which is just making the foundation and installing iron on the beams, different from the previous talut pair, which doesn't need to use iron blocks, and we are also still waiting for the iron that we have chained from the warehouse to be ready and brought here, and the location where we chain the iron is also far from where we work so we have to wait for the car to bring the iron that we have ready to chain in the warehouse, and Friends, you can see the condition that I have photographed.



picture of the road that comes down from the hill next to where we work and the atmosphere has just finished pouring rain which makes the conditions where we work obstructive and risky, because the location is already slippery and on a hill, and the cars are carrying materials such as Stone, sand and cement are also very risky because of slippery roads, rain and locations on hills.









This is the condition at the place where I have been working for the past few weeks, and this is in a hilly area which makes us feel tired and have headaches thinking about the current work location and also the buildings which are too obstructive, such as materials and working tools for cutting iron and crushing cars. cement because this requires a truck to cast the foundation walls and the talut pair, and we have also worked for several days and our target is not as we targeted when we saw the condition, and this is all I can tell you about the atmosphere and my activities in these few days, to look for halal sustenance and need energy to do work like this, thank you, I hope you like my story, greetings..
Photo TakenOPPO A52020 camera handphone
Kategoristories about activities where I work
LocationNorth - Indonesia
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