💫Black & White - Abstract Art #47💫


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Hey guys, check out my latest abstract creation. I'm a big fan of abstracts that have some antique touch and that is one of the inspiration behind this abstract. I don't really plan about the shapes and structures, I just go with the flow. I'm trying not to stick to one particular style or genre of abstracts and if you look at my previous posts I guess that is very much evident. I'm trying my best to mix up and create things differently. That is one thing that draws and motivates me to create abstracts. I hope you like this abstract. Any kind of positive criticism is always welcome. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

You can also check out some of my previous posts by clicking the links below:

Face Off - Abstract Art
Textured Abstract Art
'Holy Cow!' - Abstract Art
Contemporary Abstract Art
Evilution 1.2 - Abstract Art


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