I Should Be Writing About Gaining 1000 Followers - Instead I Have To Address A Bigger Issue

Firstly I would like to take a minute to thank all of my followers, I truly appreciate it more than you know and I can't believe I have passed 1000 followers!

So thank you very much, this only happened a few days after my first birthday on steemit post and I have been meaning to write up a post thanking everyone for their amazing support over the past year - it just means so much to me.


But before I could get around to the post life got carried away, my kids got sick (it's winter) and over two weeks had passed since my last active post.

For those of you who know me, you will know I don't tend to get into flagging wars or flag people in general - in fact most times my account has flagged someone has been because I vote follow other trusted curators, and those posts are usually being flagged for abuse or spam.

I have tried to stay away from the negativity and have in the past remained silent, when people have been rude or abusive to me or my partner @ausbitbank - this is not why I am here and I try to stay away from things of this nature.

I can be pretty chilled on here and it generally takes a fair bit to get me upset or enraged, this is the internet and one comes to expect you'll find the odd douchebag in your travels - there's no need to make this your only focus or to dwell on things too much, let alone take up space on the blockchain with spam and hatred.

I move on with little thought of small people and their small minds, however when out of nowhere I get a comment on my last post saying -


Now to clarify for people noganoo is a steemian who is well known for spamming the network, doxing users, spreading hate speech, lies and personal attacks on the platform.

At the same time he is a massive emotional manipulator, getting sympathy votes from new users who don't know the full story and his general toxic nature.

As far as I'm aware I have never even spoken to this person before, he has had several run ins with my partner @ausbitbank who tried and failed on multiple attempts to bring him back from the brink of steemicide and help him out generally.

This is not the first time noganoo has reached out to me, but this is the first threat he has ever made me and as I said I don't know the guy and haven't interacted with him at all - so why the sudden and extreme hate?

Within moments he appeared again with this little gem -


Now still at this stage like usual I was preparing to stay quiet, why give small people the attention they so clearly desire - he means so little in my life why waste time addressing his pathetic nature?

I shook my head I felt sorry for this tiny person, surly living a life so void of purpose, honesty or virtue is punishment enough for this pathetic excuse for a human.

But then being the good christian he claims to be, then decided to steal a picture of my partner and our two beautiful children and write a post stating that my partner was a satanist and that is the reason why my amazing children were born "sickly" - referring to my two pure, innocent, incomparably brilliant non verbal autistic children, they have autism because I guess we're satanists.

How can he call himself a christian, when he outright claims this bs about two disabled children on the other side of the world?

So by this stage @ausbitbank and I are understandably pissed off, so @ausbitbank wrote to him saying "How fucking dare you" and then this happened -

Then the fucking pathetic excuse for a human, let alone christian said "I hope your kids die" - what the actual fuck is wrong with some people, who could ever say such disturbing and horrible things.

This happened hours ago and I am still shaking with rage, I have never wanted to cause so much physical pain to a person in all my life - he is lucky we are not on the same continent.

I have tried so hard to maintain a calm and respectful presence on steemit, I have put in some insane hours here (@ausbitbank even moreso) and I feel this whole situation puts all of that at risk.

So please understand why it is both @ausbitbank and I are losing our shit right now, we are not trying to put all we have built here into jeopardy over nothing - but we will not sit by and do nothing when people are saying shit about our kids.

@ausbitbank has flagged a large number of noganoo's posts and comments, (including the two posts he wrote specifically about @ausbitbank after the original one about our children) and now so have I - for the first time since joining I have personally flagged someone (multiple times).

Unfortunately dealing with this pathetic person has drilled @ausbitbank's voting power, so because of one dodgy user hundreds are going to miss out on his crucial support on their posts.

Noganoo has hundreds if not thousands of sock puppet accounts, that is where is threats of mass flagging my posts is coming from - he is a constant and blatant abuser of the platform.

He has mass spammed the network on multiple occasions in the past and just today, reconfirmed his intentions to do this again after both @pfunk and @liberosist asked him to refrain from spamming.

Is this the kind of person we want on steemit? Someone who wishes the death of two disabled children because he thinks he deserves votes and support in spite of constantly abusing the platform?

As parents we can't sit by and do nothing while hatred and lies are being spread about our family, my kids have and will always come first - I never imagined by writing my story online I have someone tell me they wish for their death.

I can't describe what I'm feeling but it's kindred to intense hate, loathing, repulsed, disgusted, enraged fury, a clear and present desire to cause physical pain which I haven't really experienced before in my life.

I have had to fight to keep my kids alive, they have both had additional medical issues which threatened their lives and to have someone so carelessly wish their existence away is beyond unacceptable.

For the past few hours @ausbitbank has not only created an account called @nogbot, but also tracking down all of the farmed accounts he has control over (1223 accounts so far).

He has also sent it 500sp to give it some power (this is also to restore his own voting power, so he can get back to supporting the users who deserve it - rather than nogs spam), it is now going to be dedicated to flagging everything the toxic user noganoo ever posts.


Whilst I don't encourage other users to go and flag him personally, he has stated anyone who does flag him will suffer the wrath of his bot army - it is not worth users (especially newer users) to take this on, it's just not worth the risk to your accounts.

This post isn't about us wanting others to take action, it is merely an explanation for what is happening now and in the future.

I never want to speak to this garbage person, he is the epitome of a pathetic internet troll - he has no life, no real life friends and is an all around sad and sorry excuse for a person.

I once felt pity for him and his small insignificant existence, but now the pity is gone - I believe in karma and if this is all he can summon to put out in the world, just imagine what he gets back.

He doesn't deserve the attention from this post that is why I haven't linked his name or account, I'm sure in a few days he'll come back saying he's sorry again - but this time he went too far.

I will never forgive his words and his cruel unchristian nature, he actions and words here are unforgivable - he deserves everything he gets because of it.

I am sorry to have such a negative post after so long away, as I mentioned the kids have been sick and now all this crap has happened - it's just not what I wanted to do or have on my account, but I hope you can all understand where we are coming from.

This is the last type of content I wanted on my page, I wanted this to be a professional space for my story and writing in general - not consumed with the petty drama we see so often on social media sites.

But as a writer and a believer in steemit, I felt the need to address this issue personally - I will never stay silent when people go after my kids, I have always and will always stand up for them.

@ausbitbank and I have been the only voice for our children for the past eight years, we speak for them because they can't yet and to have someone attack them for their disability and blame it on us - just couldn't go without response.

Both of our children have low functioning nonverbal autism, and it was not given to them because @ausbitbank and I are satanists (we're not religious at all) - this just shows the height of his ignorance on multiple fronts.

Also we do not hate Jewish people, it's insulting to have slander floating around so just to put an end to that - stop pigeonholing us with your ignorance.

On a final note I would also like to address the comment he made about us being "muslim sympathisers", um yeah we support the rights of muslims and have muslims we consider close friends - stop being a xenophobic douchebag you're not helping yourself.

Ok so that's it I'm done, I hope you can all appreciate where I am coming from and forgive the language - I'm Australian and I'm pissed ( plus I already toned it down lol).

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