Moving my PhD research to Steemit/我決定要把我的博士研究移到Steemit上了!

Hi Steemians! I have always wanted to translate one of my posts on moving my PhD research to Chinese Mandarin. Decided that this is the time and with the help of @deanliu who has been active in the chinese community, he has helped to translate most of the article. Please note that this article is translated to Chinese Mandarin (traditional) and not Chinese Mandarin (Simplified). (Just a little note on the difference for non-chinese speakers: Chinese Mandarin (traditional) is used in Taiwan and Hong Kong while Chinese Mandarin (Simplified) is used in China, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.)

60% of steem dollars from this post go to @deanliu for thanking his help in translating, contributing to science and cn community.

大家好 !我一直想把我的其中一个文章翻译成中文。 決定這是時侯了!这次和 @deanliu 一起合作。@deanliu 一直活躍在steemit cn社區里。這篇文章的大部分是他帮忙翻譯了。 為了感謝他的帮忙,对于科學和 cn 社區里的贡献, 這篇文章得到的steem dollar, 60%会轉给 @deanliu

Hi Steemians! I am moving my PhD research to Steemit!

Hello steemians! Ok, truth to be told, I am going to dropout from my phd soon. Personal circumstances did not allow me to continue with the research. Yet, I still remain in love with what i am doing, so much so i decide that I am going to continue my independent research. And i decide to share my research results with the Steemit community some time in the future with some fine-tuning in the depth of posts. There are a few reasons why I am doing this.


Current landscape in academia and why it is a problem/當前全球學術圈的生態以及其中的問題

First, journal publications are very expensive - can be anything from USD10,000 per year and USD 10 - USD 30 per journal paper depending on the field. These journal publishers have increased their annual subscription every year but most university library budgets are not growing at the same rate. Hear this - In 2015, the academic publisher Elsevier earned about $1.58 billion in profit or about $9.36 billion in revenue. In fact, they are earning much more than Facebook or International Banks of China. With access to internet and free peer reviews, we would expect that the costs of journal publishing should go south. But it seems that this is not the case.

首先,學術性期刊訂價過高,常常一年的訂閱費動輒超過1萬美元,以單篇期刊論文計算的話約10到30塊美元(視領域而定)。這些期刊出版商會每年調高訂閱費用,但是大部分大學圖書館的預算卻未能同步增加。給個數字,2015年,著名的學術出版社Elsevier的營業額是93.6億美元,而淨利是15.8億美元! 這是非常驚人的數字,代表他們的淨利比Facebook還要多,淨利率比世界最大銀行-中國工商銀行還要高! 在互聯網蓬勃發展以及免費的同行審查越來越多的情況下,你會以為學術期刊成本將被迫逐漸調降,但事實上卻不是這麼回事。

This problem is so severe that even ivy league universities find this hard to swallow. If Harvard university can no longer afford to pay, I wonder how other universities researchers in developing countries are coping with the limitation of literature. And indeed, it was the similar predicament that lead Alexandra Elbakyan, a Kazakhstan university student to create Sci-hub. This lead to a lawsuit from Elsevier to Sci-hub and Alexandra Elbakyan. An article here did some research using Sci-hub traffic data and found out that in fact, Sci-hub users are scattered all around the world, even in the States.

這個趨勢的嚴重程度連美國的長春藤盟校都已經快無法忍受了,我不禁懷疑,如果連哈佛大學這樣的學校都無法負擔,那發展中國家那些大學們要如何面對文獻受限的問題?也就是這樣的困境,讓Alexandra Elbakyan,一位哈薩克大學的學生,在2011年以學術界羅賓漢(但是位女士)之姿創立了Sci-hub,目前為止最大型的學術論文盜版網站;這也導致Elsevier向Sci-hub與Elbakyan女士提出了法律告訴。這裡有篇文章研究了Sci-hub的流量資料後得出結論:Sci-hub使用者遍布全球,其中也包含美國。

This situation has led many researchers to break the copyright law. But they did it with the underlying good intention to seek for relevant literature because they were blocked by publishers' desire for more profits. The way that scientific knowledge is monetized in the modern day today for more profits at the expense of scientists doing good for the improvement of humanity is beyond me. Putting a price tag on knowledge which is explored and created by scientists, and then asking scientists to pay for their own work. Something here surely does not add up.


We need an alternative model for research dissemination./我們需要另一種學術知識與研究的散播模式

Importance of knowledge decentralization and management/知識去中心化與管理的重要性

In a post by @anwenbaumeister, she talked about steemit’s potential for decentralization of knowledge. I believe that steemit with huge potential for knowledge decentralization, can draw power away from exorbitant journal publishers and return this power back to scientists, the knowledge explorers. Knowledge should not be managed by centralized publishers. Steemit and steem blockchain can be a potential alternative model for scientists to contribute their work directly for impact and influence. Imagine an awesome knowledge center to collect and spread valuable knowledge and information. A centre for academicians to illustrate expertise, debate and discuss.

在Steemit上,@anwenbaumeister 曾經提過Steemit在知識去中心化方面的潛力。沒錯!我認為Steemit在這方面的潛力極大,可以把掌控權從高姿態的期刊出版商手裡取回,交回真正從事知識探索的科學家們手上。知識不應該是由集中化的出版商來掌控與管理,Steemit與Steem區塊鏈,可以是科學家們如何推廣自己的研究並尋求社群影響力的另一個解決之道。想像一下,一個收集並傳播有價值知識與訊息的去中心化式的知識中心,一個讓學術研究者展示自己的專精研究,並且能夠與同行辯論與討論的美好園地!

How steemit can be a knowledge centre even for layman/Steemit怎样可以是芸芸大眾的知識中心

I am not asking Steemit to award me with a PhD. But I would like to show what I am doing here is an example of how not only valuable knowledge can be decentralized, such knowledge can be managed. This also includes the communication channels of your research. At one point during the last 2 years of my PhD, i wondered if my mentor ever read the things i wrote. And then i realized there will just be 3 people reading my PhD thesis. That will be my mentor, the examiner and maybe my husband. That was also when i noticed that more people are reading my blog than my phd thesis. That is fully understandable. I mean who wants to read a 30,000 word long and boring thesis unless they have to. BUT, if the thesis were to be transformed into information readable and useful for the layman, i can imagine that piece of information delivering more impact for the community.


People in niche expertise may agree with this:- it is harder to communicate your research to layman than to your peers in the same field. I have been blogging passionately about design thinking at steemit, pretty much in layman terms. I hope that my effort can give steemit and steemians added value in terms of knowledge sharing and intellectual discussion.

具有專業知識的人可能會同意,與同領域的專業同行相比,要向一般人解釋自己的研究實在十分困難。過去幾個月,我非常興奮地在Steemit上面跟所有人分享、介紹關於設計思考(design thinking)的議題,也使用較淺顯易懂的文字,希望這些努力能為平台與所有使用者帶來價值,包括知識的分享、學習與討論。

Appeal to scientists: Join us

Join steemit and be part of this awesome wave! Try it. If you do blog about your expertise, be it economics, science and engineering, social sciences, please tag as #academia so that i can follow you. Waiting for you. :-)

首先你要加入Steemit這一個神奇的平台,然後,根據你的專業,寫些淺顯易懂的知識性文章,可以是經濟學、科學、工程或社會科學等領域,請記得使用 #academia 這個tag,那麼我就可以找到文章並追蹤你。滿心期待你的加入,一起改變世界!

P/S: Thanks for the positive response. Would like to raise awareness on the #pevo project which i am part of. See @pharesim's post here Also see

P/S:謝謝所有正面的回應,同時也希望宣傳一下我有參與的 #pevo 計畫,請看@pharesim 這裡的文章 以及

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