My Actifit Report Card: 25 November 2018 Weekly Stats

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Although I yearn for higher temperatures and putting on winter clothes for cycling is a burden, it becomes slowly but surely a routine and I start to like it. Well, I don't want to exaggerate, but the cold, fresh and humid air is really good for the lungs.

The fog you drive through opens up new views with every kilometer. And when I get home I always look forward to a hot cup of tea, often an Earl Grey, which is one of my favourite teas.

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Obwohl ich mich nach höheren Temperaturen sehne und das Anziehen von wintergerechter Kleidung für die Radfahrt eine Last ist, so wird es doch langsam aber sicher zur Routine und ich beginne daran Spaß zu haben. Na ja, ich will es nicht übertreiben, aber die kalte, frische und auch feuchte Luft tut den Lungen wirklich gut.

Der Nebel, durch den man fährt, lässt mit jedem gefahrenen Kilometer neue Ansichten frei. Und zu Hause angekommen freue ich mich immer auf eine heiße Tasse Tee, oft ein Earl Grey, den ich zu meinen Lieblings-Tees zähle.

Now let's see again some statistics of my weekly and overall progress! (posted every sunday)

Endomondo2018 (up to now)2017
Total distance cycling3 791 km102 km
Total distance walking761 km313 km
Total distance overall
4 552 km
415 km
Total activity duration328 hrs75 hrs
Total calories burned209,221 kcal29,898 kcal
Number of tracked activities310101

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Summary of the last three weeks. Yellow: cycling • Red: walking
Though still being on target, the weekly kilometers are decreasing! I need to have more attention on cycling as long as the roads are snow and icefree.

The above data include all activities tracked by Endomondo, a GPS-based sports-tracker App. Not included are additional steps tracked by the "@actifit fitness tracker App" like daily activity, house chores, moving around office etc.

Stats for Today

Cycling: 40 km

My goal 2018 : 5000 km
Current: 4552 km
Still to cycle/walk: 448 km ( ø 12,4 km/daily)
Days left: 36

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Photos © by @actifit-peter
Actifit-Report #123

This is the actifit posting account of @peter2017, an ambitious guy with a bunch of old bones. I'm trying to enhance my health and fitness mainly by walking, cycling and sometimes running.

Please support and follow my progress in living a healthier and fitter life! Thanks so much!

Keep on moving and have an active day!

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Cycling, Daily Activity

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