It's Been Just Three Days

... since I gave up alcohol, and already I'm starting to notice some fantastic changes.

I don't know if you can relate, but I feel as though I suddenly have more time to create.

You liked that bit of rhyme, didn't you?

I know I did.

Moving on: It's been just three days since I gave up alcohol, and the first exciting improvement I've seen is this burst of productivity. It's been a long time since I set about to draw, and longer still since I picked up a book for a leisurely pleasure read. Before my fall from grace, these two things were what ate up most of my time. 

I thought it would take at least a week or more before I would start to enjoy the positive effects of alcohol avoidance.

Of course, Omar and I have also altered our sleeping schedule in such a way as to wake when the sun rises, and sleep earlier, so this change has probably added to that sensation of vigor, but-

To me, this is actually quite amazing.

Yesterday I wrote about my decision to cleanse myself of alcohol, and the challenges that this decision poses. I want to thank all of you for your generous support, and I invite you to continue to leave comments as I provide updates on this commitment to a healthier, happier, and fuller life. I especially want to thank the individual who suggested I swap out my nightly beverage for a kombucha tea. If you haven't tried kombucha tea, you absolutely must go out right now to your local grocery store and buy one. Just remember that it is as beneficial to your health as it is pungent in flavor!

So, I didn't get the kombucha tea.

I said, no way, Jose, I'm gonna go for a regular iced tea instead.

And it was great. It turned out to be a fabulous substitute for that nightly feeling of boredom that tends to lead to drinking. So thank you so much for that suggestion.

My new addiction will be a commitment to health.

This photo of me was taken before I grew such an unhealthy interest in alcohol. There was an indoor climbing gym nearby that I used to love to frequent, before I found myself frequenting local bars instead.

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