Alcoholism: Day 96 Of Sobriety-Contemplating A New Phase In Life

Today I am contemplating a new phase in life.
I'm over three months into my sobriety and the techniques to alleviate PTSD symptoms that I have been employing seem to be working.

Now, I feel the need to try and re-enter society.

I love to spend time with the children and teach them. But we have one BIG PROBLEM in our household. I haven't worked in years and we are broke. I mean super broke.


The small Veterans Affairs compensation I receive from a 70% rating just doesn't cut it. Sure, I could try to fight the system and plead my case, but honestly, it's not a fight I want to take on.

I was already part of the group of Veterans who were purposefully misdiagnosed for the VA to save money and I've already fought the bureaucracy just to get here. Another round of that and you may see me on the Headline News for losing my mind.

We've made it this far due to very strict budgeting. Hell, even with drinking I had a budget(albeit a significant one). Making great decisions on used vehicles at low prices, cooking at home, and a house payment lower than a car note has helped our finances tremendously.

Due to budgeting, I know we live better than people with twice our yearly income. That's not the point.

I know we can do better.


The two largest setbacks I am still having in relation to PTSD are crowds and driving. These are obviously pretty large issues when it relates to employment. How are you supposed to work if you can't get there? And once there, you need to be able to work around people; right?

Lately, I have been studying different ways to work from home. One option that entices me is teaching from home via the internet.

Yes, I have a B.S. in Accounting. I like accounting and I mainly acquired that specific degree to prove to myself that I could do it. But I don't love Accounting.

Teaching and writing are two things I really love to do. If I could get my head wrapped around one subject in writing, I could possibly do better in that field. That's not how my brain works.


If you read this blog on a regular basis, you know I am going to write about what subject I feel like writing about on any given day. My followers never know what they are going to get from this blog.

It may make the blog more interesting or it may frustrate the hell out of people.

I don't really know.

But when it comes to blogging there is no point in doing it, if I don't like what I am writing about.

Blogging will more than likely continue to be a side project and the odds of successful mainstream writing without focusing on a particular subject matter will more than likely be non-existent. I'm ok with that.

Teaching is what I originally started going to school for years ago. I noticed the direction of the public education system and I had no desire to be apart of it. It's full of bureaucracy and mandated testing. That is not a system I want to be a part of.

I have been looking into online teaching. Specifically, teaching English to students of Asian descent. I meet the minimum qualifications of most sites I look at.

It would help with the traveling to work issue, would solve the being around large crowds issue, and it would be doing something that I enjoy; helping others. In this case specifically helping others to learn the English language.

My Questions to the community are:

  • Do any of you have any specific experience in the field of teaching online?
  • What companies did you use to find employment?
  • Are there any online teaching companies you don't recommend?
  • What are the biggest positives and negatives of this field?

So, there it is. Looking to get back to work. There are other options I am currently looking into, but the field of online teaching is one that really peaks my interest.Thank you in advance for any feedback received.

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