Life as an addict and how I deal with it


I have become a different person since I discovered Steemit and as someone with an addictive personality (which I learned about in rehab) I am very conscious that Steemit has become an addiction for me. Because I love it! And it makes me feel good :)

But is my addiction good for me?

What I learned in rehab was that I will always be an addict. There is no 'cure' for what I have.

So, I have two choices now. I can either follow the 12 step program, maintaining 100% abstinence from the substance or habit that represents my addiction... attending regular meetings to re-affirm my strength through the familiar group environment, listening and associating with the woes of others, helping them and evolving as a person through daily rituals, without which the whole thing comes tumbling down....

....Or I could just keep a check on myself.

Which is what I do!

I am aware of my issue, so I watch myself carefully.

And it turns out I am addicted to many things:

  • making money ....and now Steem!
  • having some kind of daily creative outlet
  • procrastinating when dealing with things that don't excite me
  • day-dreaming
  • behaving like a child
  • refusing to let someone else have the last word in an argument!

...the list is pretty long and really quite funny.

The reality of course is that we are ALL addicts, though some of us are better at recognising and managing the unhealthy ones. But the only question we need to ask ourselves is this:

Are my addictions good for me?

So, as I said, Steemit has become an addiction. An obsession. The first and last thing I do every day. It is constantly in my head. When I am having a pee, at night when I am lying in bed, whist driving through the rice fields... it is always there. STEEMIT.

How can I use this platform in a way that is not yet being used?

How can I better develop @steemshop and @steemholidays?

How can I help this platform grow?

How can I get the value of Steem to rise to $100?

What am I going to spend all that money on when this happens???

...You see the problem. I have started to neglect other parts of my life which need attention. The first and foremost being my family.

I should be thinking about them when I am having a pee! Not my next Steemit post!

This is us one year ago, enjoying the first rays of sunrise on the Gili Islands, doing what we came here to do... traveling!

So, I have decided that today my family and I will be packing up our bags and driving to the north of Bali to a beautiful place called Amed. We went last year and I experienced the best snorkelling I have found here on Bali. Perhaps this time I will do a diving course :)

I don't know how long we are going to stay. But I do know that I will not be using Steemit.

I will be enjoying every moment, 100% in the moment... with my beautiful family.

Though I will of course be documenting it all for later Steemit posts! haha :)

The two pictures in this post are from Amed, taken last year. We will stay in this bay. And it will be goooooooood.


My intention is also to attend to some recently under-fed addictions like making motion control time-lapse & drone films!

Looking forward to sharing them with you after this much needed time off.

Moderation is the key to consistent health & happiness.

All the best my friends...

Over and out for now :)

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