What!? "Adoption Application" Adopt A Minnow Project


There are many different ways to look at life. We all think differently. We are unique & each one's life is very much different from the next person's.

Hi Guys Jason here,
Talking about adoption of minnows. It seems there are different ideas of the subject of what qualifies as a minnow, and why someone would need to be adopted. Let's explain it a little bit.

#thealliance @a11y full pagebreak.png

[Subject "Adopt a minnow"]

So yes adopt a minnow this is something that is been created to help others too be inspired to continue on steemit to be recognized a little bit more and have a better support system, if you will, and become self-sustainable here on the steemit platform. Hopefully it to will get others involved in the same effort to help others grow. This the vibe steemit is about and that is "helping others"whenever the need maybe.

This #adoptaminnow project Something that @whatsup started and with @brandyb being the first adoption to take place, @thealliance has taken on the program, and well I agree this is a good idea to help others to grow much faster and get swimming better on their own.

I have finally been able to take the time and draw up this application for whomever would be my pal in this effort, and hopefully I have good enough content to appeal to someone who is willing to have fun with this and help me out, or any of the other minnows struggling to create good content and be seen enough to stay on steemit.

What do you think? Is this something your in on or you support? I would love to connect with others and see who I qualify to connect with and possibly get adopted by.

#adoptaminnow project helping minnows of steemit grow and become self sustainable


[I'm just here for the love guys] βœŒπŸ˜‰
Ok so reasons I think I should be adopted.
Going off of @topkpop requirements,
I think I have alot of semi talents that I can offer to the community and have already been trying to give and inspire others. Over all I'm a pretty positive guy, just coming from other social networks. Seeing the downfall of these other social networks, we all know is happening as they become ever more useless as time moves forward with the life of the blockchain age coming to be and the rise of cryotocurrency. Decentralize everything and we shall prosper together. βœŒπŸ˜‰πŸŒŽ

So back to the "reasons" and what I have to "give"

  1. I'm a pretty overall positive Internet presence.
    I try to inspire daily and give what I can.

  2. I have many talents, being from poetry, artistic photography, art, music, videos/vlogs, even some minor gaming.

  3. I post or try to post daily, with a very deep personal Positive post at least once a week on serious random subjects of interest.

  4. I'm am Christian and live by those principles daily. So no foul language or anything like that, and only clean post here. One day I would like for my daughter and her children to be able to see who i was and what I was on the platfrom in a positive light not negative, we have enough of that in the real world.

  5. I'm over all a pretty mellow, redneck-hippie-zen kinda guy, I'm easy to get along with, but I am bipolar so I have my issues, so I assume this will be considered if adopted.

  6. I would love to face life and be more confident overall, not all of us were born the same.
    Being genuine and Never fake always learning from ones mistakes.

  7. I'm ready to take on the steemit world and see it as a job that I will love to do for the long-term and help others grow too, when I'm able to support them, hopefully from the support I will gain from the adoption project.

  8. I absolutely love and adore @tattoodjay he is supportive and welcoming, he has an artistic side with great photography that I admire and, he is experienced and expressive about what he does and what he feels too. I could point out many others mostly from the alliance. But I think you get the point. Hehe ❀

  9. On a self promotion note, I have been a music producer for 8 years, I can be found on iTunes and yes even Pandora, I don't talk about it much because well its along story but I still make music and hope to produce more in the future with steemit inspiring me to yes move forward. Just Google krazypoet to see what I have done over the years. Hope steemit will be my reawakening so to speak with my hidden talents.

  10. I'm open for other requirements to be posted here if needed. Thanks and hope to see you guys get support and love you deserve with #adoptaminnow project being now promoted by #thealliance



My Introduction Post

My Introduction Post #2
A recent personal note about who I am and what I do.


Always remember to keep moving forward


I think as human beings we all have a sense of creativity and we want to be improving upon these creative thoughts and processes that we have inside each and everyone of us.

And so with that being said I want to inspire you all to move forward to do your best at what you do, and to make it, until you break it, lol well don't break it but you get the point... (😊)



I have found a window
The opportunity of a minnow
Doing what we know
Being supported to grow

Be the best you you can be
Believe in your adoptor
They will help you to see
Your like a steemit seed
Getting nourishment now to become a tree
Or minnow which ever way you see

This is real no make believe
This blockchain technology
Will set us free
Welcome the new age together
Its so much better

Together we are stronger
To last here much longer
For today you are a minnow
But one day you will be a big fish
If you wish

Just adopt a minnow today
And help them find their way...

Thanks guys for reading my article and application for the #adoptaminnow project

I'm Jason Arnold (@krazypoet) signing off
If you seek art and positivity then feel free to join my discord channel
Steemit Infinity

β€œIf a man should live many years, let him enjoy them all.”.

A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity.

Stay positive and constructive even during tough times and keep working towards something better.

β€œWe don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

Thanks for stopping by
Much Love to all & be well


Stay Positive

This is the way to steem on




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