ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #6

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #6

It's no coincidence that we are witnessing deep financial and social crisis arising in various countries throughout the world. Deeper and deeper differences in wealth, the well-being of individuals, access to health care and limited possibilities of professional advancement are, unfortunately, becoming a standard for defining world's society as it is.

The source is here.

We believe that this problematic state of being has its roots in the centralization of resources and encouraging of competition by the established elites. We do not want to speculate whether it was conceived willingly or not, but we can clearly see that it is perpetuated by the current state of world's economy.

This leads into constant ongoing wars, needed to keep a status quo favoured by the elites. Wars are a tragic product of economic competition among countries, corporations and religions. All of the centralized institutions are eager to promote the "survival of the fittest" principle in a cut-throat economic system.


Because only in such environment, where people are competing, instead of cooperating, human beings are prone to be dependent upon 'loan offers', 'financial solutions', 'derivatives' and all sorts of "products" constructed with a single purpose in mind - to enslave the minds and bodies, steal people's time and therefore keep them under control by chains of debt.

How does one reach individual's goals? How do people achieve their dreams and prosperity for their families?

The quick and easy answer is: by co-operating together on projects and gaining a fair part of the profits. This is what we do. This is how we strive.

Every honest individual with good intentions is invited to join and offer skills, knowledge, energy, time or resources to various ongoing projects within ADSactly society. The channel is here: ADSactly and you are welcome.

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