Exploring the Big Four Ice Caves | Photo Album

Located in the Cascade Mountains, a 90 minute drive from Seattle, the Big Four Ice Caves are one of the most incredible natural features in the Puget Sound region.

An easy hike/walk on a well-maintained trail will get you to the main attraction for a mere 2.2 mile roundtrip adventure!

Here’s what Washington Trails Association (WTA) -- my handy dandy go-to source for all things hiking in Washington state has to say about the adventure -- as a warning!

Formed by melting snow, waterfalls from the above cliff and wind, they are really snow caves under an avalanche chute. Inviting as they look on a warm day, there are signs everywhere warning of the danger. Do not go into or climb on top of the caves! Other hikers may be doing just this, so parents, have your “Just because everybody else does it…” speech ready. The signs are there for a reason; people have been killed here as recently as 2011 by avalanches in the spring and collapsing snow bridges in the summer. There is a plaque at the end of the trail in memory of Grace Tam, an 11-year old girl who was killed in 2011. It serves as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of this area, and the potential for danger that the melting ice holds.

Seriously people, don’t go inside. You will be tempted (and its true that Instagram is full of folks who didn’t follow this good advice). However, people have been seriously injured being stupid. Don’t join them! The views outside are just as spectacular!

Watch how the cave “grows” as I approach!

At first glance the caves don’t look that impressive, it’s only as you hike closer and realize their full scale (especially in relationship to the people) that you get a real sense of what is in store.

Here you see me standing on a huge lump of ice/rock directly in front of the doorway (a remnant of a recent fall-in I suspect).

The scale of these caves in amazing when you are close. Unfortunately, they don’t always melt out in perfect formation like this. Some years they won’t be as well formed--I was very lucky to see them on a day when they were at their best and most impressive.

Cash and I standing in broken up pieces of ice and show at the entry to the caves.

Getting outdoors is one of my passions, and this was a particularly amazing local adventure. If you ever get a chance to go, I highly recommend it! Just check some recent trail reports to see what state the caves are in to make sure you won’t be disappointed if they aren’t fully melted out!

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CameraiPhone 6
LocationBig Four Ice Caves

FYI, all images shot by me on my iPhone (except for those 2 snapped of me by a friend).

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