Join me as I journey by yacht from Southern Chile to Cuba! - Part 2 "Antofagasta"

Yesterday I wrote about the first leg of this adventurous journey: Puerto Montt to Antofagasta, about 1.200 Nautical miles!
First I thought this trip would never end...
Once we arrived I was full of energy again, thinking to myself “Now the fun begins!”

My uncle's wife and babies flew up to join us for the rest of the trip.

Getting the boat ready for a long journey is actually quite a lot of work!
Getting supplies, stowing it all away, getting some last maintenance done like varnishing, etc.
But we also took some time off to enjoy the place and make some friends.

I got my first taste of scuba diving...

...and I even got invited to fly with an aerobatic pilot.

I loved that flight!
The take off was awesome! We ascended so much quicker than I'm used to in my dad's plane “Nomad”. It was close to vertical! Still, it wasn't surprising since the plane is a German built EXTRA, the finest aerobatic plane in the world.
We climbed and climbed till we got to a safe altitude.
Who likes extreme roller coaster rides? Well, that's what I can compare this flight to.
The loops we made were so cool, being upside down, looking to the side and seeing the horizon make a slow 360° flip... and that two times in a row! I definitely felt the G-forces!

Imagine this:
You're flying level, and gravity is on your side, it's helping you to stay in your seat, right where you belong.
Only a second goes by and you're flying straight upwards!! Now gravity isn't that much of a friend anymore... since there's no real roof, just a glass bubble, you feel like you're gonna fall out! But wait... once again you change direction radically to the left. Now you are headed straight down for the desert floor! What a thrill!! Even writing about this experience brought me back to that moment. My heart is pumping and I'm feeling stocked!

And here is just a taste of what these aerobatic pilots love to do!

Formation flying is another ball game.
It requires absolute precision.
I'm looking forward to one day experiencing that type of flying too!

I hope you enjoyed my experiences...
Take care!

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Join me as I journey by yacht from Southern Chile to Cuba! - Part 1

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