Join me as I journey by yacht from Southern Chile to Cuba! - Part 4 “Dolphins Off The Coast Of Chile”

It was a bit before midday of Feb 10th, 2016 when we left Antofagasta. We set sail for Arica! It was nice that this next leg was going to be much shorter than the last one. My uncle, his wife & babies, and I were now going to be together for the rest of the trip to Cuba. The youngest had just turned 1, and his brother was 2½.

The sunrises were so beautiful! By 6 am, I was just finishing my 4hr watch, the sun started to show itself. It was so peaceful. So awakening. I'm sitting there, on a small sail boat, in the Pacific Ocean, land is barely visible, the sun is rising majestically... it was awe inspiring.

After fully enjoying this masterpiece I went to catch some sleep.
Later that morning, everyone else was outside, the boat was 26 nautical miles off the Chilean coast... That's when they saw them...

... Dolphins!! Many, many dolphins!!
Can you count all the dolphins in the following two videos?

Everyone was so focused on the dolphins, they did not wake me up.
Aaaaagh! Wake me, pleeeease!!

My uncle started following this big pod of dolphins.

On the 3rd day we reached Arica, not too long before the sun started saying goodbye...

And I say goodbye too...

Till next time...

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Join me as I journey by yacht from Southern Chile to Cuba! - Part 3 “33 Miners Trapped”

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