Are you foolish enough to do something dumb for a chance to win STEEM? If so, you’re just the person that I’m looking for.

In the tradition of celebrating the harvest of super-hot peppers, I always enjoy encouraging people to get out there and get hurt, a little bit. Depending on your tolerance level for heat, it may not really be that bad, and I’m only personally aware of one person who’s actually went to the Emergency Room after I gave him a Ghost Pepper. In my defense, he ignored the warning that I was giving him, and the doctors pretty much just told him that he was dumb and gave him a bill.

Anyway, who’s up for the challenge?

I’m currently reaping a harvest of Super-Hot Peppers and thought that shipping some to folks in the United States for a contest may be a good idea. Plus, who doesn’t love funny videos of people in pain??

Here’s how to Enter:

  • Private message papa-pepper a valid US shipping address on and request your peppers.

  • Wait for the mail to come, and open your Super-Hot Pepper Challenge Participant Package.

  • Make a video of yourself, or you and a friend, eating the whole peppers raw.

  • In the video, mention the papa-pepper hot pepper challenge and make sure to record at least two minutes of yourself after eating the pepper (for maximum effect).

  • Make a post with the video in it in #hotpepperchallenge and whatever other tags you think are appropriate (maybe the "funny" category).

  • I’ll watch the videos as they come in, wait until interest dies down, reward 5 STEEM Tokens to the winner, and do a post including some of the best attempts.

It’s just that simple!

Also, as a token of good sportsmanship, here’s a video of me eating one, just for fun and to show you that it can be done. Remember though, I’m @papa-pepper, individual results may vary.

Though I will make it as large as I know how, here's the fine print:

DISCLAIMER: This is a bad idea, and I cannot recommend that you actually enter. You certainly can, but you'll have to go against your better judgment and mine. While I cannot encourage you to participate, if you choose to, I'll gladly ship you the peppers. This is your choice, so make it wisely. If I was anyone else, I'd probably think that this is an insane and foolish challenge, but, if you seek adventure and desire glory, that's up to you. - Thanks @papa-pepper

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