Stoked about Steemit!...

…Because I am an artist at heart, an artist with so many passions and so little time. Now that I have fully plunged into adulthood, I’ve realized there are so many more challenges and responsibilities than I anticipated. Sometimes I feel like the girl from Tangled,

"Seven AM, the usual morning line-up
Start on the chores and sweep till the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then, it's like seven fifteen

And so I'll read a book, or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit and cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?"

That song reminds me of my childhood. The only difference is that I come from a family of night owls, so this would be more like, “Seven PM”! I’d get home from school, relax, and watch some Full House while I did my homework. Then in the evening I’d breeze through my chores so I could spend the rest of the night being creative—getting a piano lesson from mom, drawing maps, reading Nancy Drew books and dreaming about adventures.


I wish I had spent more time enjoying the moment instead of wondering, “when will my life begin?” Life is so precious and short. The older I’ve gotten, I’ve learned and am still learning to live in the moment, learning to appreciate the here and now. Yes, I still have so much ahead, so much to look forward to, but I also have so much for which I can be thankful. I have a million little reasons to be happy right now, right in this chapter. I’m excited that I now have an outlet to share my passion, however my creativity manifests itself.


As I was saying before, I have so many and interests. But work eats up so much of my valuable time. Time I took for granted when I was a kid. I work in the morning as an inventory specialist for a local business and I moonlight as a remote admin assistant for a non-profit. Now I’ve added Steeming to my plate. However, I don’t see Steemit as another job. No, Steemit is my new creative outlet. It’s my new pace car, my challenge to do something creative or adventurous and to share my experience with all of you. I want to encourage you to get out and go on an adventure, no matter how big or small. Or stay in and create a masterpiece. Regardless of what you choose to do, do it. “Do or do not. There is no try.” Then share with your Steemit family the pictures and stories of your creation and journey. Lets inspire each other to be the best versions of ourselves.


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