Steem Video Ad 3 Gets 7,213 Likes in 48 Hours on Facebook!

7213 likes on facebook for steem video ad 3.png

Will you join us in funding more ads for Steem on Facebook by voting this post up because all author rewards go to the Facebook ad as seen at combined with the YouTube ad on the video shown below!

In the first 48 hours, the Facebook ad received 7,213 in the first 48 hours mostly from ads! In just two days of advertising on $85.90 of the budget, 196,729 people were reached from nearly every country with the good news about Steem!

steem video at 3 day 2.jpg

Thank you very much for the funding from the previous two posts which I am using combined with all the author rewards from this post to continue spending money on Facebook and YouTube each day to advertise Steem!

  1. Steem Video Ad #3 is Live on Facebook and YouTube! at @jerrybanfield/steem-video-ad-3-is-live-on-facebook-and-youtube
  2. Steem Video Ad #3 Text and Script at @jerrybanfield/steem-video-ad-3-text-and-script

If you would like to guarantee more advertising for Steem and many more user sign ups as a result of these ads, would you please upvote this post and the other video ad posts because all of the author rewards I receive will continue to be spent on the ads you see here which are already working extremely well? These posts will also hopefully be useful for getting funding directly from Steemit in my upcoming growth proposal which will then eliminate the need for me to ask like this!

Jerry Banfield

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