The N-WORD and what it means for Steemit

Today we are going to discuss the "N-WORD" Now I know that this subject can be quite distasteful for most. I know you are curious as to why I am deciding to bring this discussion to steemit. Let's talk about




\ˌne-gΙ™-ˈti-vΙ™-tΔ“\ noun
a : marked by denial, prohibition, or refusal received a negative answer; also : marked by absence, withholding, or removal of something positive
b : lacking positive qualities; especially : disagreeable a colorless negative personality
c : marked by features of hostility, withdrawal, or pessimism that hinder or oppose constructive treatment or development a negative outlook negative criticism
d : promoting a person or cause by criticizing or attacking the competition ran a negative campaign negative advertising
source: Merriam-Webster

Even without me quoting the Merriam-Webster definition of negativity we would all know what it means especially when interacting with other people. When I did my introduction posts, I complained about the negativity of Facebook in regards to my experience. I watched the @dwells interview where he talked about getting into drama on Facebook while coming to the aid of someone else. I had a similar exit from Facebook as I had a friend from high school that had been coming over and hanging out with us. On Facebook he would openly speak on hating non-black people and any black person that married white people. That was personal and therefore perceived as negative and not an opinion.

I am a 🍷wine GLASS HALF FULL kind of guy. Today I bring you a message of




Watch how I make the above story a positive: My wife and I sat down and had a discussion about how we would move forward dealing with this racist friend. We decided that we needed to cut ties because it was in the best interest of our family. We did it with much glee because we were happy that we recognized this early enough before it had a negative affect on our kids. We were also happy that we knew we were raising our kids to see beyond race.

When you wake up, remember the best part of yesterday and what you are looking forward to today. If you snub your toe, be thankful that you did not break it. If you break it, be thankful that you did not break your foot. If you break your foot, be thankful it wasn't your entire leg... I think you get the point. It could always be worst. Whatever happens, try to always see what good can come out of it. It is that way of thinking that builds wisdom. Think I'm lying? Ask the nearest wise person. Remember when you post on Steemit, @xtrodinarypilot says think positive.

There's Adventure in all of Us

I showed you how to pay rent with STEEM
I showed you how to turn STEEM into CASH
I took you on a day as Urkle
I took you to @ned scott's funeral (RIP)
I took you to #STEEMITGUNCLUBΒ  Β Β 



...mostly in Texas LOLΒ Animation graciously donated to @xtrodinarypilot by @xtrodinarypilot Β 

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