The Children of Sinyea

In the village of Sinyea, Liberia - a kilometer north of the blooming Phebe Junction - the young children have no reservations and few obligations. Stiff cement homes are set in the verdant, overgrown "bush". This provides a beautiful and often stark backdrop for the "bluffing" youth. DSC_5292.jpg Overlooking a farm and the campus buildings of Cuttington University - hard to distinguish from the surrounding vegetation.
DSC_5239.jpg Mah-Beh, a 4-year old whose fervor off-camera drove the actions of the pack.
DSC_5245.jpg DJ - a soft-spoken but loyal boy who I grew closest with during my weekend in the village.
DSC_5288.jpg Georgie - carefree as can be and perpetually touching every surface in sight (note the shirt...)
DSC_5251.jpg The stoop kids of Sinyea, from youngest to oldest. All young at heart.

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