Raping Africa: The Central African Republic

This is going to be the final installment of the series. The story never changes, only the name of the nation and the cast of bad guys. The bloodshed in the Central African Republic is no different and the only "republic" there is in the name.

I could have called this series Colonialism For Dummies. Colonialism in Africa has never ceased in any meaningful way... It also fits a very specific paradigm. Colonial powers, whether from Europe, the US, or under the auspices of the UN (which, as it turns out, is nothing more than a global criminal enterprise) the pattern remains the same.

  1. Find a group of radical Islamic extremists (Which there seems to be no shortage of) and give them arms.
  2. Turn them loose on the populace.
  3. Wait until the Christian forces coalesce and begin killing Muslims (even those not involved).
  4. Send in "peacekeepers" to "liberate" the people.
  5. Find a corrupt puppet that will do the will of the colonial power and "elect" him in a "fair and objective" election overseen by the UN
  6. Tell the populace that they are now "free" (as long as they do exactly as they are told)
  7. When legitimate democratic movements based on actual self-determination arise, pass UN resolutions and starve the people. If they continue to resist their "freedom," bomb them into the Stone Age.

It seems to work very well. It has throughout Africa, certainly the countries that I've researched. The following video shows the same old story... just different characters.

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