Did Elon Musk Predict The Robot Takeover?

Muskwatch w/ Kyle Hill and Dan Casey

This video posted because Elon Musk fanboyism take is funny and the news blip found about 4 minutes in of "Facebook AI Creates Its Own Language In Creepy Preview Of Our Potential Future"

 Facebook shut down an artificial intelligence engine after developers discovered that the AI had created its own unique language that humans can’t understand. Researchers at the Facebook AI Research Lab (FAIR) found that the chatbots had deviated from the script and were communicating in a new language developed without human input. It is as concerning as it is amazing – simultaneously a glimpse of both the awesome and horrifying potential of AI. 

Read that full article on Forbes.  

Google's DeepMind just recently taught itself how to walk.   Hopefully a transcript of what these two Facebook AI chatbots said to each other will be released.  Maybe you do not have to be afraid, but be aware these things are going on.

EDIT: The Independent posted some transcript, this is for real

 Bob: i can i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me
Bob: i i can i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me
Bob: i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i i i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have 0 to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to 


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