Meet Tally: The Grocery Stocking Robot About To Eradicate Thousands Of Minimum Wage Jobs

 Soon many are going to find out that capitalizing/harvesting (on) human energy may have been  the biggest scam of all. Monetarism is all about  **reptilian brained competition** and eventually being left behind, no if but  when.  


To answer this question, one has first to ask: is chasing money and wealth accumulation the sole purpose of Life? If Life is all about it, seeking any spiritual path doesn't make any sense. So why were mythologies and religious dogmas created the first place? Intuitively, man knows that he has to surrender to all encompassing Force existing outside the realm of his perception, and this brings about the Fear of Being along with the ensuing fear of his own finitude. So in order to overcome this feeling of aloneness, man is prompted to find an escape by manifesting creativity, and each of his innovations are passed onto the next generations, which in turn continually improve the perception of his environment. The 'Act of Creation' is the purpose of Life and dictated by The Cosmic Mind. It is thus man's own willingness to grasp this, and if he does not his own creations will just reflect his inability to create out of Empathy and he will rather be tempted to use creativity to strengthen control structures, resulting in more Fear of Being. That very dual dynamic is which sustains any monolithic ideology. 

Such a stance is the result of an induced linear thinking, a mental construct, agreeing that control structures are needed regardless of social and technological evolution because we cannot get rid of man's primitive traits. That if cavemen had to hunt, we are condemned to chase money just like them and must accept that some are better at it, and therefore deserve to rule and print our currencies. In a nutshell, such a Consensus regards boom and bust economic cycles as a fatality of life, just as war. 

The advance of Robotics will affect everybody, from the factory worker to the surgeon as machines will eventually become smart enough to take over their tasks. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, computers will self-build, and this means that even software programmers, engineers and decision makers will not have a job anymore. The media industry is already close to become entirely digitalized and at some point, virtual characters will replace today actors and TV anchors. Considering this very near future environment, what is exactly the future of money? Hard money, currency backed by gold and silver, bitcoin, won't be of any help either since human jobs cannot be created. 

Universal basic income vs money-free... the choice may not be obvious now but in 5 years from now it surely will  (TO BE CONTINUED)

 Meet Tally: The Grocery Stocking Robot About To Eradicate Thousands Of Minimum Wage Jobs 

PREVIOUS BLOG ENTRY:  PREVIOUS BLOG ENTRY @earthcustodians:  Bitcoin & The Manic Bullishness Of The Crowds Struck Again (WAM/Jeff Berwick Talk Cryptocurrencies) 

 Thank you for resteeming and upvoting these ideas, more people     have to know that there is a bold solution to embrace the end of    darwinism/competition that will be upon us in 10 years from    now.   The  Earth Custodians Movement is a futuristic endeavor for    humans who  want to remain humans and to spread the importance of    understanding   Objective  Reality for the sake of  peaceful  sciences.  

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