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I remember how it started; the ice in my legs and the pounding in my head. I’ve experienced so many bouts of malaria that I could tell his approach from afar, especially from the cold in my feet and severe headache in my head. But malaria isn’t malaria if he doesn’t bring his bride with him - Fever.

Fever crept in gradually; like a dire-wolf on a scent. She had terrorised my body enough to know its weak points. She came with fire and brimstone, and at a point, I felt my body had enough heat to boil a pot of beans.

That night, I was working on an entry for a contest - first prize was 50 Steem. I begged Fever to allow me just a couple of hours to finish my piece but she wouldn’t obliged. Here was a bride that wasn’t going to take second place in my life. She was reigning in my body and she wanted me to think of nothing else but her.

Soon, I had no option than to lift my weary self and mount a motorcycle taxi. I hurried to the Pharmacy for dear life.

Just as I arrived at the Pharmacy, I painted my plight to the receptionist in gloomy colours. I was becoming weak and restless from the feverish feeling. I was like the rich man in Hades begging for a drop of water.

The receptionist look at me and felt something else was involved. She directed me to pharmacist sitting idly in a partitioned section. The pharmacist listened to my sorry case, almost had his hands burned when he felt the temperature on my head and declared war on my behalf. To win, however, I would have to take the day off (meaning, I couldn’t work on my entry anymore). At that point, I didn’t care. He gave me the drugs. That night, I took the first dose and malaria began to look for the escape route with Fever hurrying behind him.

Word Count: 333

This is my entry for the #AIR-CLINIC WRITING CONTEST 21 by air-clinic. Do join the discord server here

Thanks for reading


[Source for First Image: Wikipedia Commons]


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