AIR-CLINIC's Writing Contest | A short story on the topic of Abortion: Marie

This post is in response to @air-clinic’s week 11 writing contest: “What I Think About Abortion”. If you want to join in this week’s contest, you can click on the link here. You can also check out the community account to see the amazing things the community does for the people of Steemit.


The idea of abortion, from time immemorial, has always been a sensitive topic. It touches on the very appreciation or devaluation of human dignity and the essence of life itself. I am no good at creative writing but I will try the best way that I can.


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Marie always thought that the waters were all there ever was. Waking up in the morning, all she hears are throbbing sounds, rhythmically and repetitively echoing "lub dub lub dub", as it resounds maximally throughout the liquid around her. She always thought that this was an eccentric thing to hear. It goes on like this forever, "lub dub lub dub". Little did she know that these where echoes of heartbeats of a woman she has yet to see.

Days went by. Water was forming more and more, yet she was not drowning. In fact, she was immersed in it completely. It felt safe inside like, an invisible shield was keeping her from harm. This pool of liquid has always been her home and the waters were the air that she breathes. She turns and tumbles freely in it as the liquid around her adjusts to her brisk movements. Unexpectantly, she kicks the edge of the bubble and hears a groan from outside, "Ouch! The baby is kicking" it said. Please let me hear it one more time! And so she kicks once more, "Honey, but what about our baby?". The tone was hopeless and gloomy but it was comforting. It has a tone of love with it. "You know what to do, honey" Now that voice sounded strict and stern, with an evident firmness of tone. Was that the voice of God?

A day went by. "Is this really all that ever is?", she thinks to herself. She was nurtured and alive, that's for sure but she somehow wished there was more to the world around her. A bit of company would be nice. It would be great if there was a bit of excitement around. Unbeknownst to her, there is a world bigger than her own. Where the light touches her skin and is capable of drying her questions away. She continues to hope in wishful thinking that there is something beyond the waters.

"We can't have her honey and you know that", the voice of a man echoes around. The tone was aggressive and demanding, enough to make her curl herself in fright. God must be angry today. "Are you ready to do this?", it asks. What could possibly be the voice be ready for?

A sudden flush of liquid entered Marie. It felt rather distressing. In an instant, the waters turned murky. The walls started to collapse and she could feel asphyxiated. "Lub dub lub dub lub dub", the sounds grow more rapidly. "It has to be done. Say goodbye to our daughter". She felt fear inside of her. What could possibly be going on? Everything was changing around her. The walls contracted, forcibly pushing and pulling the tides of liquid around her. This cripples her movements and breeds fear into terror. Marie couldn't feel a thing anymore. She felt a feeling of dread. She could breathe no longer. What seemed to be dim turned out to be even dimmer until there was nothing left but complete and utter darkness.

And just when she thought that she no longer existed, the voice of the man in soft echoes says, "We are doing this for your own good, honey. God will understand." A kiss could be heard. Then there was blank.

My personal views on abortion

I personally see abortion as an immoral act and goes against my morals of advocating towards life. However in isolated maternal cases, being pro-life could mean death for the mother. There is this thing which we call as therapeutic abortion. It is an act where pregnancy is intentionally terminated for the benefit of the pregnant mother or if the infant is unviable.

Many women die as a complication of pregnancy which asserts why in some cases abortion is deemed necessary. In the Philippines, therapeutic abortion is legal but frowned upon due to the religious context of it (@isaganispeaks). This now poses the question of beneficence, "If medicine was made to be of service to patients, why then is abortion illegal when the purpose is to save a mother's life" If we are saving a life, then it is in line with the spirit of healthcare right? Or does utilitarianism, the idea of good for the greatest number, always have to be the case when at times it may be impossible? I leave you all with that question.

THIS IS AN ISOLATED CASE. I am trying to say that abortion is justified in cases where the condition of the mother is at stake. Both parents have the autonomy to do so. Good to know that this is not legal in my country. The doctors will do their best to keep the lives of mother and child and if casualties are present, then that is where an action is necessary.

I am not pro-abortion. In fact, as a member of the healthcare team, it is necessary for us to value the nature of life itself. Saving lives come as a passion for me. I am writing this piece to simply urge you to question your morality and see abortion not as black or white, good or bad but as gray areas needing immense weighing of thought and moral standards to be able to reach an ethical resolution.

Thanks for reading, this has been @air-clinic's Nurse Aaron speaking.


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