AIR-CLINIC WRITING CONTEST: My Near-death Experience

It was a lecture-free day, my friends and I decided to go swimming in order to release some induced stress as a result of our tedious school activities. We prepared assorted kinds of dishes we planned on exploring on getting to the stream. Sandra cooked a palatable plantain porridge while I prepared a sumptuous Afang soup.

"Abas, this one you are parcelling food, who are you visiting?" my landlord inquired. " We're going to the stream o", I replied. On hearing 'stream', my landlord took I and my roomie to one end of the compound.

He started my telling us that even as an indigen, he has never for once stepped into their stream due to several unpleasant occurrences he's heard of. He went ahead to tell us a number of students that got drowned in the stream and added that the stream doesn't play host to strangers - which we happened to be. He then persuaded us to stay back. My roomie paid attention to him while I didn't let that deter me.

Minutes later, the rest of the squad arrived and we left. On reaching the stream, full of excitements, we jumped into the chilled water body. Those who could swim displayed their prowess while the rest of us stayed aloof.

Later on, my friends began laughing at me and challenged me to get to the deeper end. Since I wanted to impress the ladies, I foolishly accepted the challenge and gradually moved to deeper end of the stream.

Before I knew , the water had completely covered me. I was gradually sinking and the water was pushing me farther. I tried beckoning for help but as I opened my mouth, water gushed in and my hands weren't reaching the surface. Poor me! I regretted accepting such a challenge. I thought I was going to die;I said my last prayers within.

But I felt someone's hand, it was my friend's.

He held me and swam on a straight line back to shore. He turned my head sideways allowing water to drain. He began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until I coughed.


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