I am generally healthy and I get fevers twice a year but I want to recall the last one.


From Unsplash

After a series of 14-hour shifts at work, I woke one morning with my throat parched and my joints aching. I opened my eyes and saw spots of lights and a high fever.

"Oh boy here we go again," I said to myself. I get sick twice a year and each time it feels like the end of the world. It is as if all the flu and fever viruses lie dormant and then explode to have a party at my expense.

My instincts tell me to stay in bed and bundle up as I start shivering. Yet conventional wisdom tells me to throw off the heavy covers and drink lots of liquids. I sit up and the world spins. I steady myself and pumped myself that I can do it.

I walked unsteadily towards the Fridge and a cool air washes over my body as I drank from one bottle, draining it.

I considered taking a cold shower but between the spots of lights and my weak knees, I thought I might meet an accident if I try it. I go back to bed and rub some Vick's vaporub on my feet just like mom used to do.

I just wanted to crawl back to bed and become a human burrito under the covers. "No!! Man up!" My brain said. "But we are cold" said the feet.

"So are we." said the hands

"I am itchy." said the back

"I am shivering" said the chest "So is heart but he is being a trooper not complaining"

"Suck it up! you sissies" said my gonads "I'm shivering here but you don't hear me and Junior complaining"

"Boys, boys calm down" said the heart then there was silence. "Uhmm I know its a bad time but I need to go number 1" Said my bladder. "Number 2 as well! since you are going" said the sphincter.

Great, I am hallucinating!" I said to myself.

Word count: 348

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