Air-clinic writing contest: my near death experience

It was Christmas's eve, the merriment and the excitement of the season prompted me to accept to enter the well, even though I have never done that before.

The well was filled with molds thereby stopping the water from gushing out.
For two years now, I have not visited my grandmother, and now that am with her, it will be inappropriate to refuse her request, enter the well she said, and remove the molds, I think that is the reason why the water is not gushing out the way it should.

I quickly rushed to my room to change my cloths to dirty ones , I wanted to finish removing the mold before 4:00pm because I had plans of strolling out with my friend.

I begged a friend of mine that came to visit me to please help me draw the molds out of the well, i entered the well and started scrapping the molds out with my friend helping me to draw it out.

He drawled the first bucket of the mold out, then the second, it was at the third bucket that was about to be drawled out that I felt a sudden hit on my head, obviously from the iron bucket that was used to draw the mold out of the well.

Everything went dimmed, then a blank out, total darkness, then I saw myself in a place like a tunnel, I could hear people calling me from afar, I followed the direction of the voices, when I opened my eyes, I saw myself lying on the hospital bed with my grandma sitting next to me,
as I open my mouth to ask what happened, I felt a sharp pain in my head, I was later told that on the process of packing the mold out of the well, the bucket that was used to draw the mold fell on my head and I fainted, which lasted for about 30 minute, that was when I was brought to the hospital.

At that moment, I understood that the difference between life and death is not up to a second.

Total word count: 326

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