It was a hot sunny day. There was the usual hustle and bustle typical of the big city of Lagos. Everyone was busy doing one thing or the other. I was briskly walking to the motor park where I was to board a bus to attend an interview. As I walked, I had so many thoughts in my head, thoughts that turned into prayers. I hoped the interview would be a success so I could finally get busy with my life just as is typical of a lagosian.

Arriving the BRT bus station, I noticed a huge crowd that gathered round a woman who was acting like a drunk. I decided to get a closer look. A closer look at this middle-aged woman showed that she was neither drunk nor insane. She was clutching her throat with her left hand and her eyes with her right, complaining of blindness. No one seemed to understand this woman as she was said to have been standing at the motor park also waiting for a bus when she suddenly started staggering and clutching her throat. To make matters worse, she suddenly collapsed, scaring away some of the onlookers.

As a medical student, it didn't take long for me to realise these signs to be Carbon monoxide poisoning. As quick as a fox, I dived into action.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a very serious problem in large cities today, arising from exhaust fumes from cars, buses, and other vehicles.

I carried her to a bench where I layed her then I picked up my phone to call for an ambulance.

Usually, the victim complains of headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea and dimness of vision.

After I employed the mouth to mouth resuscitation, she started breathing again....what a relief!
I thereafter, proceeded to give her the following advice. "The air we breathe here in the city cause us more harm than good but, we can make efforts to reduce its harmful effect by:

  1. When plying a dusty road, use a face mask
  2. Avoid inhaling smoke from a fire or cigarettes.
  3. Expose yourself more often to fresh air

WORD COUNT: 350 words

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