AIR-CLINIC WRITING CONTEST: The pains of Ignorance

Be Warned! Fever may not be indicating MALARIA

We are in a part of the world where very many persons are consciously and purposefully ignorant and act in that manner too. Even when they know nothing about anything, yet, they won't get to learn. "Superstition" and "luck" has been their guiding principles.

Though an entry for @air-clinc contest #21, this piece is my heartfelt and sincere message to every Nigerian. I learnt my lesson in a hard way, but, thou reader can learn from me with ease. I hope this message gets across to many. Am sure, it will save lives.


Now the Story: MY LAST FEVER

like you're in a mechanical shaker;
like drums are playing on your head;
like you're roasted, yet, a drop of water will make you feel frozen

Those were the feelings as I lay, "ball-ly" folding my head, feet and hands into my abdomen. With socks and gloves well fitted to my feet and hands, I prayed dawn comes soonest. It was a terrible experience after 13 months of no illness.

Though there was no thermometer, I guess my body temperature was approaching 400C if not more. tears were already flowing from my itching eyes. Not minding the cold inside my body, I asked my sibling to use a wet towel to cool my hot face and belly so I could take a bite without vomiting. After the exercise, I ordered her to bring some tablets of malaria drugs for me, and she did.

The headache and body temperature reduced after 30 minutes. When I woke up, a friend suggested a blood test. I ignored, claiming the fever was caused by mosquito bites. After much pressure, I struggled to finish the dosage of the malaria drug on the prescription of a "quack" doctor in my vicinity.

After three days, I woke up with the fever in high gear again, but this time with boils all over my body. Lo! it was chicken pox, yet, I treated it as malaria. On reaching the Health Centre quite close to me, the nurse queried how long the fever started? On hearing "3 days ago and that I took malaria drugs" she yelled at me:

At your age and exposures, you still abuse drugs? You are careless with your life over a thing where a little information would do. I pray ignorance doesn't kill you. Since you chose that path, enjoy the pains.

It was then I discovered that early detection would have saved me the pains. I had to stay indoors for a week as my face and lips in particular were burnt. That is the story of my MY LAST FEVER experience. It was horrible.

End of Story
Word Count: 342


  • Ignorance is costly and painful whereas knowledge is cheep and friendly. Seek it. It doesn't have to be in a school or abroad. Just an ASK away from you.

  • Stop self medication. It is drug abuse

  • Always remember that your health is your wealth.

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This is an entry for the 21st Edition of the #AIR-CLINIC Writing Contest. FOLLOW LINK HERE


Thanks to @air-clinic for the contest.

My Signature

Don't give up on life, there is light at the end of the tunnel. God cares!

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