One Tuesday morning I woke up around some minutes past 9 feeling so sick and weak. I was meant to attend my lectures by 10.00am so I tried so hard to drag my weak self up. I had my bath quickly, dressed up. I wasn’t hungry so I left for class.

I came to the venue quite so early, so I sat down and laid my head on the desk. I was beginning to feel so cold. So, I asked a friend sitting close to me if she was feeling cold too and she said ‘’No’’. It just dawned on me there was trouble.

I tried so hard not to let the feeling show, but it was something I couldn’t conseal because anyone who came close to me noticed and asked if I was alright. I lied to them that I was okay. I was so sad and I tried recalling when last I treated Malaria. Oh my God! It’s been a long time I recalled.

The lecturer walked into the class and everybody repositioned themselves.

Two hours gone, I left for the clinic, on my way, I made sure I walked under the sun to help keep me warm. When I got to my destination, the doctor attended to me and prescribed some drugs for me, I went to the pharmacist, got the drugs and rushed home to take the drugs.

I wasn’t having appetite to eat so, I had to force myself to take something not minding how small.

After taking the drugs, I covered myself with blanket and slept off. The feeling was so horrible. You know that moment you are feeling hot and cold at the same time.

After some hours, I woke up feeling a little bit better with my clothes feeling so wet. I changed my wet clothes and laid back feeling a bit relieved.


Whenever we fall sick, let's try so hard to see a physician. Self-medication is not good for us, let's meet those that know it better!

Here's the air-clinic discord link:

Thanks for stopping by I remain @vintageverve

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