🎈 Crypto in the Air 🎈 空中撒糖差可擬 🎈


Everyone in this crypto universe is familiar with the term airdrops. Yes, basically, for a very low barrier of entry, everyone that qualifies is entitled to a small amount of crypto assets. A crypto way of marketing you might say and it seems to work well as you can see that this method is still being used nowadays.

I myself is not unfamiliar with it either. Being in this circle for quite some time, I bumped into some dedicated platforms for this kind of activities too. Two of which I might consider recommending to you are:

  1. Earn.com: you will receive emails from someone who wish to promote their projects to you and do certain easy tasks to get rewards ... normally $1 (in btc). If you link more of your personal links like LinkedIn or facebook, you might increase the chance of being selected as a target. If you are famous enough, you can even apply for a program where people can pay to contact you! Well, so far I only earn less than $3. Ha!

  2. Candy.one (ref link used!): This one is basically run by Chinese with most users from China but there is still an English version. Basically you get daily sign-in rewards so you are incentivized to come to this site and from time to time there are tasks for you to complete so you get to earn some new crypto assets too. I think the idea is cool, only that projects utilizing this platform are not that many yet. The token Candy is really really cheap so it's like even getting a couple thousands of it might not worth much at the moment. But who knows if it will become much bigger in the future?

Oh, my main point is actually about the Steem blockchain. I am sure that most of you are aware of this Byteball airdrop one week ago:

Official Byteball Airdrop to Steemians

This is, in my memory, the largest scale non-Steem-related projects that decided to do airdrop to Steemians in Steem history. I've got my share of course! ^^ But after that, it got me thinking ....

Steem has the potential to be the largest crypto airdrop platform in the world!!

This is such a natural result since Steem has the largest crypto community in the world! But why do we have to wait for such a long time before projects like Byteball come to do airdrops? I think this is probably due to the most critical issue on Steem - accounts do not represent individuals. Byteball uses Steem Rep to avoid this issue, which is clever, but as we all know that this measure is losing its meaning as voting bots abound. Luckily, we have our captain Ned thinking about this issue in light of the coming SMT to the Steem blockchain. So I'd say, it's pretty possible that one day Steemians get to enjoy lots of freebies airdropping from the sky just because you are a real deal Steemian!! The best part for all is that everyone would get a fair share of it, whale or plankton... :)

So, thank you Byteball!! I never think of this side of Steem until you come and airdrop!^^


朋友們好,前一陣子的Byteball空投,都去領了吧?我也領好了,呵呵!領完之後,我不禁想到,咦?原來,有人會來Steem做空投啊?這我倒從沒想過。我也算老江湖了,以往有在這裡空投的,都是跟Steem相關的項目才有,例如Golos等等,甚至是未來的SMT也非常可能(例如已經發生的Steemhunt, Partiko等)。但是,跟我們不相關的,Byteball應該算是首次喔!


總之呢,看過Byteball空投後,我不禁想像Steem咋不能當個空投平台呢?完全可以的啊!Steem號稱全球最大的加密社群,這不是完美的對象嗎?怎麼這麼久了才來一個Byteball?我想.... 可能跟帳戶不等於個人有關吧?寫作平台比較無所謂,但空投,對於對象的不重複性與有效性就很要求了!幸好,在思考SMT的同時,我們的船長Ned跟技術大神theoretical已經在考慮這件事情了,如果未來真能夠好好建立起Oracle系統的話,咱們是不是可以夢想一下,躺在沙灘上曬太陽時,資產就紛紛天上降下來,落到你的帳戶裡頭呢?一個更美好的未來呢?^^


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