Navapashanam “The Elixir Of Youth” (Eco-Train)


Navapashanam - “The Elixir Of Youth”

This unique and sacred alchemical preparation of 4320 ingredients is known as the highest alchemical Elixir from the Siddha Tradition and crafted More then 5000 years ago by Siddha Bhogar.

Made out of 9 poisonous metals which are purified using 4320 natural ingredients, the production process takes more then12 months.

Preparation of Navapashanam is an accurate and precise science which involved enormous amount of concentration, channeling and psychic abilities.

many factors are in constant consideration throughout this unique alchemical process , the measurements of each ingredients the time of harvest and the order of placing these ingredients are all very important.

In Siddha Medicine practices, these compounds, while poisonous in their ordinary form, become powerful medicines when transmuted through Tantric practice.

The exact recipe is of course kept secret. Nowadays only a true Siddha master can successfully make this extraordinary preparation.

5500 years ago, Siddha Bhogar developed one of the most complex and powerful alchemical preparations ever created on earth; an elixir that is a transmutation of physical matter into pure spiritual energy.

Navapashanam is more than just a simple remedy but rather is a cosmic life force energy infused with unconditional love and grace.

By revitalising and rejuvenating dysfunctional organs and obliterating causes of diseases, it brings miraculous physical transformation, vitality and longevity.

Navapashanam has an infinite potential and divine consciousness for awakening the self and increasing the ability to absorb and retain energy, power and strength, allowing you to transcend duality and transmute negative energy into positive.

It balances the Five elemental Energies, the Chakras, the three doshas (Vata, pita kapha), it calms the mind, bringing the body into a perfect state allowing sustaining prolonged meditation, it cleans and purifies the Nadi`s (energetic channels), and increases the Life Force energy (Prana).

Navapashanam eliminates toxins, improves digestion, concentration and muscle and joint function. it reduce inflammation, strengthens the central nervous ,digestive, circulatory, endocrine and immune systems. it purifies the blood, regulates body heat, and rejuvenating cells.

Navapashanam products are an all-round multipurpose remedies that can be used for any condition on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. it will boost any energetic or psychic practice.

Its 100% safe for anyone of any age or in any condition.

This Elixir is unique and specific, by performing a scan of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, it changes its molecular structure according to your condition at the moment.

To have access to Navapashanam is an honour and a privilege beyond expressions and value, and must be used in a very respectful way with intense awareness and gratitude; for its supreme life sustaining and transformative energy can induce enormous karmic changes.

prepared in india, Siddha elixir comes in two forms:

An aqueous form for internal use, and an oil for external use.
These forms are complementary; the aqueous form works from the inside outwards, and the oil from the outside to the inside of the body.

Navapashanam Elixir & Oil are an all-around multipurpose remedies that can be used for any condition on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

After more then 16 years of being involve with Navapashanam preparation i am a true believer in this unique ancient Medicines .

throughout these years I observed so many Miracles happening within the people who are using it.

I feel truly blessed to part of this Beautiful ancient Siddha Tradition .

Ill be sharing more wisdom and knowledge from these yogic traditions soon…..

Blessings and love to you all.

You can follow me Dani-Sher @Kalima

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