"Let's Get To Know Each Other" Challenge (Previous contest winners updated)

Here's a fun challenge wherein we can get to know each other better
Let's all join the party and make this as entertaining as possible

I hope you all are as excited as much as me to answer these questions

The rules are simple :

1.Make a post to answer these below questions and on that post nominate two or more friends as I have done below.Your nominated friends would then make a post to answer and then nominate their friends on it and the trend would go on...

2.Every post that's been created should contain the link to my Original Post

3.Use the main hashtag as alicequestions

4.Nomination not compulsory for participation

Click on this link for all the amazing posts with amazing answers Awesome Replies

"Let's Get To Know Each Other" Challenge


Image source

1. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?

There's just one person with whom I would trade my life with and that is "Catherine Kate Middleton" who's married to Prince William and which girl would not want to marry a Prince :)

2. What would you do on Mars for fun?

Since its low gravity I would just jump and float around I guess

3. If you could get yourself anything what would you get?

A huge house on top of a hill with a swimming pool and with no neighbours and no people around

4. Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words

Slow Sensual Breathtaking

5. What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

The Eyes

6. If you had access to a time machine where and when would you go?

Back to 2009 to buy some Bitcoins haha

7. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

As a child I believed that if I ate fruits and if the seed goes into my stomach there were chances of a tree growing inside my stomach :)

8. Do you believe in aliens and why?

Ofcourse I believe in aliens...I am fascinated by their stories...I do believe they exist out there somewhere and it's just a matter of time before they meet us or we meet them haha

9. Tell me about something you really regret

Breaking up with a person whom I really liked at one point :(

10. Do you feel any of the above questions did not make any sense?haha

Hahaha... Absolutely not...I loved answering each one of them...I hope you all would love it too :)

So here are my list of my nominees in alphabetical order whom I challenge to create a post and answer the above questions.... @apolymask @arunava @ashley4u @balticbadger @ctrl-alt-nwo @denoxblogger @doomsdaychassis @dunkman @edgarsart @gandhibaba @ikar59 @jaynie @jlufer @kenentertainment @manisha.jain9 @olawalium @paradise-found @phoneinf @sauravrungta @trendingsam @vladivostok @wales
Do remember to tag me in your post for me to read it as well and nominate your friends for the trend to carry on :)

If you like this post do comment below and let me know if you liked the idea :)

Here are the questions for you to easily copy and paste on your post

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?

What would you do on Mars for fun?

If you could get yourself anything what would you get?

Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words

What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

If you had access to a time machine where and when would you go?

What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

Do you believe in aliens and why?

Tell me about something you really regret

Do you feel any of the above questions did not make any sense?haha

Also the winners for my previous contest (6SBD) are below: Winners choosen by Papa Bear @paradise-found

Do visit his blog when you get time. He's a very nice person :)

1st place : @kenentertainment

2nd Place : @trendingsam

3rd Place : @medicbtom

Honourable mentions : You get 0.5 SBD each :)




Congratulations to all those who won and thank you all for participating in my previous contest

Screenshots below


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