SF Steemit Meetup Recap and Video of Presentations- Getting to Know Other Steemians in San Francisco!

All Steem Dollars made from this post will fund future Meetup costs, such as event space rental, food and drinks, and fliers.

A Successful Evening

We had an amazing Meetup in San Francisco on August 25th! @steemrollin and I were extremely happy with how the night turned out. We had around 25-30 people show up (not all attendees made it in the group picture), which was a good number for a first time Meetup. We were in an incredible space, Code and Canvas. Code and Canvas is a co-working space that "is a community of purpose, dedicated to the creation that stems from the intersection of art and science". The intersection of art and science - pretty perfect for Steemit, right? We would like to give a huge thank you to Code and Canvas for an amazing evening. If you are in the Bay Area it is definitely a space worth checking out.

We drew people in with delicious pizza and pastries from local co-ops, and locally sourced beer and wine. We ran an ad campaign on Facebook for the event, @steemrollin went to a few other SF Meetups revolving around cryptocurrency to promote the event, and we posted tear-off fliers around the Bay Area.

Video of the Presentations

People trickled in for about 40 minutes. We all mingled, ate, and shared our stories during that time. @steemrollin and I then presented on Steemit. We recorded our presentations and you can watch it here:

The video recorder unfortunately ran out of battery (whoops!) but we also had a great Q&A session after the presentations with A LOT of amazing questions. People were engaged, interested, and wanted to learn more about Steemit. There was a mix of potential devs, content creators, and investors that showed up.

Future Meetups

We plan on hosting monthly Meetups in San Francisco!

Save the date for our next Meetup - Thursday September 29th!

  • Also...

Save the date for our Steemit Art Show - Thursday October 27th!

We were inspired to create the Steemit Art Show event by Travis Uhrig (@btctravis), the lead organizer for the San Francisco Bitcoin Social meetup group. He told us about an event they recently put on at Code and Canvas, "Proof of Art". This evening was a free one-night-only event exploring the intersection between cryptocurrency and art.

If you are a Steemit artist in the area who has pieces that they would like to exhibit (and possibly sell using SBD or Steem!) please message me on steemit.chat at @anwenbaumeister. Your work does not have to be cryptocurrency related.

You can find our Meetup group here: https://www.meetup.com/steemitsf/
(and join for an exclusive invite to Cryptopalooza - the crypto party of the year!)

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