Reformed Narc turned humanitarian, Barry Cooper with NeverGetBusted, introduces himself

My name is Barry Cooper. I am a world famous drug expert who as a former drug agent, flipped the script and produced a video series that teaches people how to not get busted for pot. You can watch the videos free from my website

I recently starred with Woody Harrelson, 50 Cent, Eminem and Susan Sarandon in the anti drug war documentary, “How To Make Money Selling Drugs.” The documentary features my videos and tells the story of why I had to flee the United States over 5 years ago.

I was made famous for my online reality show "KopBusters. " While running for Texas Attorney General, I set up stings to secretly film Texas cops conducting illegal raids and stealing drug money. One of the sting's purpose was to bring attention to a mother of two who was serving an eight year federal prison sentence. Texas police planted drugs on her and the courts did not believe her story. Because of KopBusters, she was released from prison and remains free today.

Kopbusters embarrassed and enraged law enforcement. In retaliation, the FBI submitted a secret report to all law enforcement agencies advising them to conspire together and shut me down. A popular hacker group discovered the secret report in a trove of government documents they released online. You can view the report here:

After airing the KopBuster stings on Youtube, Texas police raided my house felony S.W.A.T. style for a misdemeanor that directly related to the sting operations. Throughout a one-year period, the cops arrested me 4 times, my former wife 3 times and they took my Autistic son for 1.5 years. Because of the retaliation and death threats, I fled the U.S. five years ago and have not returned.

I now blog/vlog and operate an Expert Witness firm from the safety of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Defense lawyers and their clients hire me to review evidence and give defense strategies on how to avoid lengthy prison sentences for non-violent drug offenses. As a drug expert, I also offer Ayahuasca/Ibogaine vacation retreats to help addicts and to improve the total well being of non-addict participants.

I heard about Steemit through my good friend and fellow anarchist, Jeff Berwick.

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