Charlie Shrem Is Now On Steemit!

Hey All! 

I'm Charlie Shrem, Bitcoin Pioneer and founder of one of the earliest and largest Bitcoin companies BitInstant. I also founded the Bitcoin Foundation and served as its first Vice Chairman before stepping down the day after my arrest. Since then I've consulted for dozens of crypto companies, public and private, and since my release from prison, working on my own stealth project. 

Been hearing a lot of great things about Steemit, and checking it out :) 

Feel free to post some questions, I will try to answer. In the near future I will likely do an AMA here! 


— Checking out Steemit! Verification - Charlie Shrem (@CharlieShrem) August 16, 2016

Here is an except from my recent blog post! 

A few weeks ago I was released from Lewisburg FPC. I want to thank the hundreds of people who wrote, sent books, money, magazines, and their support. There are no words to describe my appreciation and affection to all of you. Thank you so much.Currently I’m home in southern Pennsylvania where Courtney and I have relocated temporarily. We will spend the summer months enjoying the outdoors, good food, family, friends and the small things that I missed while I was away, and at the same time transition back into normal life. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be back home.I’m excited to move forward onto new projects and looking forward to seeing what everyone has been working on! 


Edit: You can follow me on twitter here:

Follow my blog here: 

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