Hi Steemit, I'm an ex-NASA network engineer, legendary member on bitcointalk, developer of bitcoinstarter.com, and creator of spacepirate

Photo Credit: NASA/JPL

Building a game....

I'm working on creating a science fiction based RPG adventure game that uses Bitcoin as a currency. With enough support, I could add Steem as a currency in the game as well.

Why? I grew up playing adventure games on the C64 like "The Pawn" and "Adventure" on the Atari 2600. These games captivated the imagination and got me interested in computers, which then led me into a career in enterprise infrastructure for more than 20 years. Games like Kings Quest and Space Quest from Sierra were played all night long, sometimes with a high degree of frustration (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.

Photo credit: Jeff Easley

/attack zombie

I played D&D and that's where imagination really came in handy. You and your friends gathered around and played for hours, questing, conquering, and arguing over who's saving throw was really valid or not. As computer games became more sophisticated, I found myself drawn into those worlds, games like Myst which had a rich story and puzzle driven quest. Then, everything changed as the first-person shooter came out and gaming took a different path. I loved those games too, especially the splinter cell series. Anyway, back to the game development...

Cryptocurrency is the future of gaming

I became fascinated with cryptocurrency, I dove in head first and never looked back. In fact, I sold my star wars collection and bought a Bitcoin miner back in 2013.
From this:

To this:

People were building cool applications and the dice games were fueled with chat which reminded me lot of earlier online MUD games from BBSing. That's when it hit me... I started to dream about building SpacePirate.io, a RPG/Adventure/Strategy game that worked like the games that I grew up with at a young age, using Bitcoin as currency , with imagination as a member of the party on a long quest.


I wanted to get a little help with it, so I had an idea to crowdfund it, but the site I wanted to use was down. So, I ran into the member on BitcoinTalk who had built it and he was telling me that he had worked with a developer to build the bitcoin crowdfunding platform (like KickStarter) but for Bitcoin (Bitcoinstarter) but all the code was... LOST! So I looked at some old screenshots of the site and started to rebuild it feature by feature and I brought BitcoinStarter back from the dead so that the community could use it... However, I made a key change, I made it so that pledges could be accepted with over 30 different kinds of cryptocurrency.

Back to the game....

With the crowdfunding site re-created, I've gone back to spending time on the game. It's getting close to being finished now. Not only is it provably fair, but it has puzzles, adventures, player versus player, and player versus environment combat. It even has a hidden treasure in crypto built into the game :)

Thank you for reading...

Anyway, I was thinking about ways to add Steem into the game and need some help from you, the community... Send me your ideas and what you think would be a great way to integrate Steem into my game.

About me:
Bitcoin Enthuasist / Entrepeneur
Personal twitter:
“Legendary Member” on Bitcointalk.org
“I’ve been in enterprise IT for more than 20 years. I started my career working at Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena and got to work on some great projects like Mars Rover and Cassini. Bitcoin has become a passion for me like how being involved with NASA was, I’m excited to be part of this adventure!”

Edit: 7/24/16: A shout out to Jeff Easley's amazing (!) art for his D&D work: http://www.jeffeasleyart.com/

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