Spotlight Issue 7 - The Up And Coming Categories


Spotlight graphics courtesy of @jamtaylor

Hello and welcome to back to the Spotlight - In this issue we are going to take a bit of a new direction. We felt that with all the changes and new users joining Steemit, that we would focus on some interesting topics for you to explore. Hopefully you will discover something new and interesting Steemians who will enhance your entire Steemit performance.


The photography tag has had some good exposure recently, which is good news for new Steemians joining the community who either do not have English as their first language. Or simply feel that they are better able to express themselves through photography.

We are seeing a lot of love going to the photography section, however that doesn't mean that some good work isn't getting missed.

What I love about the photography tag, is that you end up finding great content that is not necessarily about photography. They have been added simply because they contain beautiful pics, so it is a category I tend to browse a lot.

Featured Contributors


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I really love Daycrypter's stuff, and I believe his quirky, fun nature is coming through in his posts. He seems to sign off all his posts with a fun picture of himself.

The pictures that he has posted are eclectic and fun, I particularly enjoyed the photo he took of an antique dental crown, which he took for his 20th century collectibles website.

Follow Daycrypter as I have, and I'm sure you won't be disappointed, as I'm certain we have plenty of quality posts to come.

Recommended post: Daycrypter's steemin for the day...Antique Dental Crown Photo (Macro)



Yoganarchista is an artist who is into her photography, her posts tend to be pictures of her art work. However she will sometimes post more personal pictures.

Her interests seem to lie in art, photography, philosophy and anarchy; following her will keep you interested as her posts always have an element of photography.


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I love Elewarne's contribution to the photography section, she is an artist and so her photos are artistic in nature. She has a quirky sense of style which I like and her pictures are definitely thought provoking.
I enjoyed her Dawg post which did not get much recognition; so it would be nice to see that getting some love. In fact most of Elewarne's posts are on zero, so it would be nice if she got encouragement to carry on enriching our community with lovely art and photography.



Steemitpatina has done a lovely post about the history of Fiji, it is chocked full of information regarding the island nation. The main tag for the post is in travel; however it contains some wonderful photography which justifies its place in the photography section.


The business section is one that is underdeveloped on Steemit, but that doesn't mean there isn't some great content within this subject. I see it as a section that will grow and grow, Steemit already has some smart business minded individuals, and that will surely increase over time.

Featured Contributors



Steemwithstu has set his sights on helping Steemians both financially and emotionally. He has a best selling book on Amazon Write Your First Book - 49 Tips to Write, Publish and Sell your Book, and it is clear he is going to be able to contribute massively to this sector.

Recommended reading: Four Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Quit The 9-to-5


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Patrickdawson is a brand new Steemian, he has just two posts to his name and they are firecrackers! If he keeps this up, Patrick will definitely be one of the top contributors in the business category.

He has a fresh approach, and isn't just rehashing old business ideas, I have followed him already and can't wait for his next installments.

Recommended reading: The 65–25–10 Formula


Art is food for the soul, and we are getting plenty fed on Steemit at the moment; it is one of my favourite growing subjects. The art section has amazing superstars like @kaylinart and @fairytalelife; however there are some as yet undiscovered Steemit artists, who need your love and attention!

Featured Contributors



Wow, where do I start with Alex? I discovered his art whilst browsing the photography section, I was checking out Steemit Girl @halo's posts, and I noticed @alexft always seemed to take the pictures, so I thought I'd see what his blog is like.

Alex posts some really beautiful art, I could easily have used 10 of his pics for the main one as I love what he does, I enjoy the way he draws and what he draws, it's as simple as that. Unfortunately @alexft has not yet had the rewards his art deserves, we need creative and artistic people on Steemit to feel valued; so please, head over to his blog, give him a follow and some much needed upvotes.



My next interesting pick, is Chrislegaspi; he is a brand new Steemian with just 2 posts, it looks like he is going to continue the drawing tutorial work he does on Youtube, and hopefully he'll be creating some exclusive, just for Steemit content.

I have high hopes for Chris, and I believe people will love his work; while you're browsing the art section, make sure you stop by and give him a follow.


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I love this user's art, Kimal73 uses acrylics and is also a dab hand at 3D computer modeling, his artwork is strikingly eye-catching and I would happily go to an exhibition by Kimal73. What's great about this Steemian, is he almost gave up shortly after joining, he was disheartened not enough people were viewing his art.

The attention of art lovers is what keeps an artist like Kimal73 going, and thankfully for Steemit, his last post got 35 votes which is a step in the right direction, however still not enough. So let's go and show Kimal73 that we are a cultured lot on Steemit, give him a follow!


I personally would love to see the poetry section grow in popularity on Steemit; not necessarily because I'm a great poetry lover; I do appreciate it, however I think it is a good subject that will attract a diverse audience to our platform.

Featured Contributors


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Webosfritos has said in his last post, that he will endeavour to post a Spanish poem, with an English translation everyday. This he hopes, will pull in the Spanish speaking community and get another language other than English, trending on Steemit. I think it's a great idea and I fully support it; it would be great if you did too!


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We have another Steemit newb here, with just 4 posts to her/his(?) name, she definitely has nailed her colours to the poetry mast! I think we can expect many more poetic posts from this user, her style is a kind of stark, realism and I imagine there is going to be a market for this kind of poetry. So stop by and show some love as you're browsing the poetry section.


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Kevjawood; or Kevin as he's known to his friends, is a bonafide poet; and a good looking s.o.b. to boot! He has been posting some really lovely poems that have made me stop and contemplate the world. Kevin has a lovely way with words, and his style makes me feel both relaxed and inspired when I read him.

Users like Kevin are a big reason I would love to see poetry thrive on Steemit, he is bringing an interesting perspective and he is bringing new and original content to the site. For that alone @kevjawood deserves your support and attention; please head over to the poetry section, find him and give him a follow and an upvote.

So there you have it, please make sure you browse the sections above, and be adventurous in your Steemit browsing, you may be surprised by the little gems you uncover!

Till next time, take care and keep Steemin'



#photography #business #art #poetry

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