Special Edition: Major Updates & Project Curie Month #1 Roundup (12 August - 11 September 2016)

One Month of Project Curie

This will be special update from Project Curie. One month ago, Project Curie began with humble beginnings. It has been an exhilarating experience for the team and we are delighted to share our progress with the Steemit community. To know more about Project Curie, do check out our initial announcement.

Project Curie wishes to thank @pharesim, @val, @silversteem and @clayop along with @nextgencrypto and @berniesanders for helping us reward more deserving posts

When a group of Steemit writers got together to form Project Curie, we thought that if we pooled our own votes on some posts, we could help reward some emerging and undiscovered authors who were posting great original material. 

$5 later, it was clear our combined votes wouldn’t make a huge difference.

Fortunately, we were able to form a partnership with @nextgencrypto who was generous enough to donate some voting power to help reward deserving posters who were not yet established. @berniesanders then joined to help. With their support, Project Curie became a reality. 

Today, we announce that @val, @pharesim, @silversteem and @clayop also have donated additional voting power to help Project Curie reach a greater number of original content posts from undiscovered and deserving authors. Please join us in thanking them. And please do not send your posts directly to any of these individuals; Project Curie is curating the posts and you are welcome to submit any good ones you find to the #curie channel on Steemit.chat.

Proyecto Cervantes

Project Curie is excited to announce a new branch of curation created to support Spanish authors on Steemit. The branch is called “Proyecto Cervantes” and it’s main curators are @gargon and @pgarcgo. The goal is to find and reward Spanish or bilingual (Spanish and English) posts on Steemit in order to foster a more diverse community. @gargon and @pgarcgo will be creating a compilation post for every 10 posts that they curate in order to provide transparency as to which posts are being rewarded. The hope is also to provide the original authors more exposure. You can find their first compilation posts here and here. Two members of Project Curie are Spanish speakers ( @anwenbaumeister and @the-alien), and they provide a second line of curation and review for these posts. So, if you are a Spanish speaker, we encourage you to begin writing bilingual posts in order to create a bridge between the two languages and communities!

Statistics from Month #1

Total posts curated: 2055
Unique authors rewarded: 763
Total rewards generated for authors: SBD 158,151
Mean reward generated per post: SBD 77
Median reward generated per post: SBD 40  

Since we began tracking on 18th August, we have consistently voted on an average of over 75 posts per day. The trajectory is clearly heading up, and in the last week we have been averaging nearly 100 posts. 


The Top 10 Authors by number of posts curated were -

Top Authors by payouts includes @alexbeyman, @kaylinart, @brianphobos, @jamielefay, @omfedor, @stephmckenzie, @ionescur, @aboundlessworld and @anotherjoe. Many of those names are pretty familiar today, but less than a month ago, they were new authors struggling for exposure.


The most used tag was "life", but that pretty much includes everything!

The most popular topics were "art" (549) and "photography" (418). "Story" and "writing" were pretty close, tagged on around 370 posts each, though we suspect these two tags are often repeated. "Travel" and "science" also make an appearance. Looking forward, we intend to focus more on original science and technology related posts, and other unique / niche topics. 


Following our announcement on September 2nd, the #curie channel has been a remarkable success. Currently we have 218 users in the room, 44 of whom have curated content from other authors. We have upvoted 105 posts submitted in #curie, and paid out SBD 525 to curators. 

Top curators from #curie were -

Join us on #curie at Steemit.chat and keep the submissions coming! 


Last, but not least, we wish to thank - 

@knozaki2015, @shaka, @razvanelulmarin, @greenwayoflife, @jasonstaggers for their generous donations.
@royaltiffany for moderating #curie and creating the noble TheButler bot. :)
@firepower for setting up the #curie room.

And of course, everyone voting on and commenting on posts we curate!

Onward to Month #2! 

We are working to increase our reach and rewards for authors, courtesy of extended whale support. We are also setting up @curie as a universal voter for all posts we curate. This way, you can choose to mirror our votes to support the authors. Look out for an announcement regarding this in our Daily Curation List posts. From next week, every Monday we'll have a Weekly Roundup with statistics, similar to this post.

We are always open to feedback, and would love to know how you feel we could do better in Month #2!

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