3 Ways How Your Poverty Affects You In Bad Way (Featuring new author @steemist)

Poverty is something in which majority of people are caught. We cannot really blame and say that majority of people are dumb and can't do any beneficial work, No. In most cases, the current economic system of countries affect them badly because we notice on daily basis that a rich person is becoming more richer and a poor becoming more poorer.

Image Source: UrbanChildInstitute

More importantly, almost every country's leaders are involved in corruption in one way or another. Some of the leaders do some beneficial works too but it doesn't means that they are not involved in any corrupted thing etc. They are! Actually, the wealth distribution system is something on which only government can work on, to improve the financial situation of country's residents.

According to the source, half of the population of world are poor. They estimated that almost 3 billion people are living on $2.5 a day, and 1.3 billion people are living on some extreme poverty, at around $1.25 a day but there are still 1 billion children left who are poor enough that they can't do anything. According to the report of UNICEF, 22,000 children die everyday because of poverty.

Source: DoSomething

Having said that how much population of the world is caught on poverty. It doesn't means that only 22,000 children dying each day. There are other serious ways how being poor affects you. I will point out 3 of them and might do a sequel for more ways. I'll give some external links too where you could study the whole case. Lets start studying those three ways.

1- Poverty Destroys Memory

Image Source: MarshFieldClinic

Those children who grow up in poverty have worst working memory than the others who grow up in middle-class way. The study reveals that children who grow up in such financial environment have such worst memory that they can't even remember a phone number. It is must to point out that they are 20% worse than those who are grown in good environment.

Of-course there are few exceptions as we see how some talented children become a role-model for others and when we see on their financial environment, we find their past environment as worst but they still survive, rise above others and become a role-model. We are referring to majority of poor children, not about few exceptions.

We often notice that those children aren't able to pass their exams. People do not really pay attention to financial environment of a child but in reality, that environment plays a great role in success of a child although parents try to take huge care of their children, but they still leave some weak-points due to their poverty and become unable to provide them the quality environment because they all cost money which they do not actually have.

This situation is not only limited with children. Lot of matured people experience short-term memory problem due to their poverty. Sometimes they even face hard time in remembering the address of a certain shop. The root of this problem is, weak financial situation create worries in person's mind and those worries eat him from inside, and get in his head every single time as such that he forget the important things.

Source: WashingtonPost

2- Feelings Of Poverty Cause Mentality Illness:

Image Source: HuffingtonPost

At first, let me clear some misconceptions about measurement of financial situation. Some people think that if someone's earning is worth 1,000 US dollars per month then he is rich and some people have another imaginary amount in their head. But let me correct you, its not about the random figure you choose. It depends and varies from country to country. In some countries, even $500 worth of salary per month is considered high and they consider such people as rich or at-least middle-class. Some countries need over $1000 worth of money just like in UK, and some might need far more than that.

I felt necessary to point this out because some people feel that they are poor but in reality, they are not. The best method to measure your current financial situation is, if you can complete your needs like your food expense, children's education expense, rent expense and other necessary expenses of natural life. If you can, then you're not poor. But if you say that, "hey, I am poor because I can't purchase a ferrari car" then you are just having a crappy mindset. As long as you're able to live your natural life without wishing for such luxuries, then at-least you're not poor.

The points which I mentioned above were necessary because these are the feelings which make you sick and mentally ill. Scientific research says it all. Those people who feel such poverty can become the victim of mental disorders, mood disorders and some other psychological problems because such feelings badly affect person's mind. If you can live your life without luxury, then no need of cry for not being able to purchase a ferrari.

Source: ScienceDaily

3- Buying Expense Things Just To Raise Status:

Image Source: DailyNews

Well. I am talking through my experience. Some people claim that,"hey, I'm such poor that I cannot even afford to buy somc mcdonald food weekly." but when you see that he have an Apple Iphone and more surprisingly, he have a latest model of Apple Iphone (which would be costly for sure) they you might say, "What the heck". If you can't afford, go sell your phone. The point is, he is poor, but to raise his status, he wasted his money on unimportant thing.

It is often noticed between officeworkers. Some people are poor in genuine way and they bring their food from home instead of going to hotel with office workers on lunch time. But then there are some people who are poor enough too but their poverty can be controlled if they don't waste money on less important things but they still go to lunch with his office-workers and order some costly food in restaurant.

Most of the people are involved in "show off" even though they are poor, and such "show off" behavior do not make any good in them, and instead of improving their financial situation, they ruin it time over time.

But the question is, when such things happen? Actually it is due to the feelings of poorness and considering other people better than you. You shouldn't really care of what people will think of and waste your money just to receive some praises like "hey, you're awesome, you have everything" when in reality, your personal life sucks.

If all is good with you financially and you like to show off, then there is nothing wrong with that. But the problem arise when poor people try to purchase expensive things just to get some praises and raise their status which do not even raise them in any way. Instead, their financial situation turn from bad to worst.

Source: DailyFinance

So, those were 3 ways of how your poverty affects you in bad way. If you realize that you're having a good natural life without wishing for luxurious then you're in better situation than most of other poor people, so you should stop considering yourself as a poor. But if you're poor in reality, then try not to worry much about it and do not spend money just to get some praises. Do savings as much as possible because it can make your situation a little bit better and will save your situation turning from bad to worst.

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