KNOW ME (An Original Poem)

You think you know me
but do you really?

You’ve savored me before
like the last taste of summer wine
and you have ignored me like
some troubled stranger
asking for your last dime

Do you remember?

I call to you softly
in your time of greatest need
to offer solace and
love, without condition
I am a steady presence
who is here to ground you
in times of chaos

Are you listening?

I place no blame,
you were built
to be a stranger to yourself
in a world where the only goal
is to discover
who it is you really are

Will you love me?

There is no leap of logic
that can bring you closer to me
there is only one way,
an unfolding of your heart.

I am waiting
and will be here forever,
I will replace doubt with faith
I am your soul.

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Did you miss today's episode of my serialized novel, Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to read it!

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