MEDITATION (An Original Poem)

How lucid is your soul tonight
as guards are put to rest?
When not one is stirring ‘round you
and the sun is setting west,

your true being is emerging
as facades yield one by one
as you long to merge with oneness
and to greet the golden sun,

free from inhibitions imposed
by the mind you call your own
freedom from the past mistakes
that haunts your Earthly home,

cross-legged, in the lotus
you begin to clear your wearied mind
wishing for a sliver of a moment
to leave the struggle far behind

your pulse begins to slow
as the void becomes your breath
your heart begins to soothe you
ever-beating in your chest,

dancing somewhere in the stillness
breaking shadows far and near
where a worry’s no longer a worry
and a tear is not a tear,

a wave is all consuming
a bright beam breaks clouds above
you reach your precious goal
and for a moment become Love.

Original photo taken at the Amitabha Stupa & Peace Park in Sedona, Arizona.

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