PAX INFINITUS (An Original Poem with Bonus Giveaway)

There is a place that dwells
just beneath the surface
of you and I

It is not easily found
but quite impossible
to erase from your memory

it lies dormant within like
the first blooms of May
so eager to spring forth
into this world
for all to see

this place knows nothing
of fear, anxiety, deceit, struggle or sorrow
a place where love is absolute
and you can bathe
in a vast ocean of warmth and light.

you are free to come as you are
for here, no one can judge,
once you find this sacred place

know that somewhere inside us all
there is infinite peace,
absolute. perfection. incarnate.

BONUS GIVEAWAY: I never imagined in a million years poetry would do as well as it has on Steemit. These past two-and-a-half months have been the best of my entire life. As a small token of my appreciation for all of the support you’ve shown me I’m giving away an autographed copy of my first handmade poetry chapbook The Greatest of Secrets to a random commenter.

This chapbook is handmade and bound, its cover crafted from vintage sheet music by artist Kristi Casey ( @kristicasey ).

No matter where my career goes from here I will never forget the true miracle that has happened here on Steemit. Please check back because I'll announce the winner at the time of post closing! Thank you and good night!

Did you miss today's episode of my serialized novel, Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to read it.

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