RUSH HOUR TRAIN (An Original Poem)

Happiness is an empty
rush hour train
only the scent
of the past remains,
stains of a crushed Cheeto
on a vacant seat,
a crumpled can of pop
and graffiti covered shops
that rush by, unbroken

Happiness is an empty
rush hour train
a subtle sway
to hush the pain
as life’s maelstrom
briefly slows its swirl
the fringes of my soul
begin an upward curl, a smile

Muse strikes,
a welcome distraction
from mortality
pulls me back from
the edge of never
to maybe…just wait and see
please spare me
from obscurity

Happiness is an empty
rush hour train
the pause I prayed for
spared me from being life’s prey
sweet muse diffuses the illusions,
and I return to the conclusion
that I spell out the meaning
of my existence,
one word at a time.

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Did you miss today's episode of my serialized novel, Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to read it!

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