THE CLIFF (An Original Poem)

The knowing
never leaves
me now,
it's haunting
to realize
the when, the
why, the how

drowning in
a sea of greed,
so blissfully distracted
as the 1% reaps,
their machine
consuming evermore

We each play our roles
but those nervous
smiles reveal
the feeling that
wrong with the
direction of this herd

At times
it seems like
the right words
might just
break our trance
but so continues
our dance
right to the edge
of the cliff.

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I produce limited edition, handmade poetry chapbooks twice per year. Please visit my website to sign up for my author newsletter to receive updates on when the next poetry chapbook is available!

Did you miss today's episode of my serialized novel, Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to read it!

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