TOO SIMPLE TO SEE (An Original Poem)

A Personal Note: I began teaching meditation about eighteen months ago after twenty-two years of practice. I had no teaching experience and was genuinely concerned that I wouldn’t be good enough. Demanche, was one of my first students. Demanche was very eager to learn, progressed quickly, provided good feedback, and missed only two or three sessions.

I didn’t know much about him but he was always the first to arrive to class so we would make small talk. I learned he liked to travel, enjoyed cycling, and was seeking inner peace. As my teaching progressed and my confidence grew I decided to publish a book on meditation. During our last session together I told him he would soon be invited to the book launch party. He seemed surprised and said he’d definitely be there. Just today I learned that Demanche passed away unexpectedly...far too soon, at thirty-four years of age.

Folks, it’s far too easy to get consumed by trivial things in this life. Do me a favor, if you have dreams...don’t put them off, if you’re engaged in petty arguments...forgive, if you’re waiting for the right time to share a talent with the world...throw caution to the wind and just DO IT! We don't have to be prepared for everything, learn as you go. The most important thing is to not waste time. Tomorrow is guaranteed to none of us.

Tonight’s poem is dedicated to Demanche. Rest in peace fellow seeker.

Time is cruel
in that there aren't
enough minutes
in a lifetime
to learn all
there is to know

the best of our
years are spent
sifting through
the bullshit, the fluff,
the liars, and the takers
until one great day
our hearts reveal
to us what it is
that truly matters

even if our eyes
witness the truth
of only one sunset
there would be
immeasurable worth
in all of the struggle and pain

there is
such beauty
in this world,
if only it weren't
too simple to see.

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