When you're feeling down,
so worn and wound,
walk your worries
through the rhythm
of this city
surrender deeply
to its symphony,
the whir of tires
skimming across
rough pavement,
the piercing horns
of hurried cabs
let the music
of the city's many murmurs
swallow you so completely
that you lay down your burdens
swim in the soup of
a million strangers,
their soulful cries,
lascivious laughs
intermingled with the ghosts
of countless dreams,
so painfully beautiful
let the city carry you
on its broad shoulders
through the coolness of this night
and it will cleanse you
by the time your feet tire
your troubles will be few
this night seems
to stretch on forever
but in the end morning
always comes too soon.
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Did you miss today's episode of my serialized novel, Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to read it.